Chapter 48 - James

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"Michelle look, I like you, but I like Riley more, so we can't be together." Then I stop and sigh, looking away from the mirror. Nope, can't say it like that either.

I know exactly what I need to say, yet I just can't word it. I've always been hopeless with words. I guess I can add that to the list along with maths. And being a decent boyfriend. I swear I can't do anything right.

"Okay James, try again." I say to myself, trying to figure something reasonable to say. "I'm sorry Michelle, I just don't like you anymore- No, that's equally as bad."

"James, why are you talking to yourself?"

I turn around and see Piper standing in the doorway. She'd better not have heard any of that.

"I, er... wasn't." I reply quickly.

"Sure about that? It sounded like you were." Piper says, raising one eyebrow.

"Look, why are you so nosy all the time?"

"I'm not, I'm just interested."

"In my life? Well there's a change."

"James, you always tell me not to ask about your life, don't suddenly make out I don't care."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Can you go away now please?"

I know I'm being rude, but it's urgent. I need to set things straight with Michelle, before I lose Riley completely. She was close to opening up to me the other day, I know it. But I still need to work out what will make her talk to me properly again. I've broken her heart once before, but she forgave me eventually. But the second time someone does that, I guess the harder it is to forgive and forget. Maybe seeing her again this weekend might sort things out...

I pick up my phone and scroll through my contacts to call Michelle. I'm not going to come up with anything better by practising, so I may as well call her. If it doesn't go well, then it's not like it matters, I only need to focus on Riley. Oh wait. I'm doing a duet with Michelle. Maybe we do kind of have to get along...

"Hey Jamesy, how are you?"

"I'm good thank-"

"Want to come round?"

Ugh, why is she always asking me? Just because I've said yes a few times doesn't mean I want to every single day. I swear she's obsessed with me or something. I don't know, it's just a little intense.

"Look, thanks for the offer, but I just need to talk to you."

"Is it about the duet? Because we can add in more lifts if you wa-"

I sigh.

"No Michelle, please just let me speak."

"Oh, okay."

"I want to end... whatever we are. It just isn't working."

"What do you mean it isn't working? We're amazing together, baby."

"Don't 'baby' me, I said it. We're done, okay?"

Oops, that was a little too aggressive.

"...What? No, it's not okay! You lied to me James, you said you loved me! You left Riley to be with me, we have a duet together, why would you do this to me?"

"Michelle, I don't want to be with you, I don't know what else you expect me to say."

"That you don't mean it? That this is just some kind of stupid joke?"

"I'm being serious Michelle." I say, ending the call, tired of repeating myself.

Seriously, am I that easy to fall in love with that every girl seems to not want to let me go? I don't even see why girls like me, I'm nothing special; I'm just stupid.

Feeling like I have one thing dealt with, I decide to message Riley. Maybe she's got over whatever her problem was by now?

Hey Ri, how's the stomach bug? I send. A couple of seconds later, she replies.

I'm not ill.

So you decided to throw up for fun? Something you do when you're bored of family dinners? I reply, as a joke.

James, don't make jokes like that.

Especially when I wasn't even being sick. She adds.

I heard you Riley.

No you didn't.

Yes I did.

Leave me alone now please.


James stop. I can't do this right now.

I frown.

Do what? I send, but she doesn't reply.


I know she's on her phone, it says she's active. But I have no idea who she could be talking to. As far as I'm aware, she isn't really close to anyone. She's missing dance too often to be like that.

Wait, I've only just acknowledged that. Why's she missing dance? She loves dance. Maybe Emily's doing something to her, not letting her go or something? No, that's not very likely. Emily may have been a dictator during her original dance captaincy, but she's not a complete bully.

Maybe her parents won't let Riley go? No, they wouldn't let Emily go and not Riley. Plus I'm pretty sure they're barely there anyway, so it doesn't make sense.

Why would Riley stop doing the one thing she loves?

There's chapter 48, hope you enjoyed it ;)

So it's the end of Michames... Will Michelle let it drop or will she continue being obsessive? (Okay so maybe it seems like I hate Michelle, I don't, she's just like that in this story :D ) Will Riley find out about James' decision? What will happen between Riley and Nick? How will James get her to open up?

I know I say this every time, but please do continue to read, comment and vote, I really do appreciate it! :)

I just want to say something about the next few chapters, they're not based on anything I've experienced in real life, so don't worry about me because I'm fine :) I just know that people may have experiences like it in real life, and if you are one of those people, I'm always here to listen, so message me if you need xx

Next chapter will be up soon...

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