Chapter 40 - Emily

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I'm eating dinner alone. Again. Riley, as usual, isn't present at the table, and Mum's also too busy to eat it right now. Dad's who knows where so that just leaves me.

Unlocking my phone, I smile to see that I have a text from Hunter. He's literally the only person right now that isn't getting on my nerves and I'm glad I have him.

Hey what you up to? he sends.

Just eating. Alone. I reply. I know I didn't have to include the last bit, but maybe I want him to feel a little bit sorry for me.

Why you alone? he replies.

Just everyone else is too busy x

Want me to come keep you company?

Yeah. I send. But you can't. I quickly add.

Oh. Why?

Just I don't want you to have to experience the mess that is the Raymond family right now.

Haha I'm sure I can handle it.

The truth is, I do want him to come, but I know everything will just be made worse if he does. Mum would say it's distracting, Riley would get all grumpy like she always does and Dad will come home from work complaining about one thing or another. I tried mixing Hunter with my home life before and that just ended in a massive argument so there's really no point.

Hunter, just leave it. It's easier for everyone if we just don't meet at my house.

Fine. Look, I'm sorry for trying to make you feel better.

I sigh as I put down my cutlery.

Hunter... I didn't mean it like that.

Okay, well goodnight then.

Goodnight? But it's only 9.20 and Hunter isn't a guy who likes an early bedtime. Ugh, I guess that's his subtle way of saying he doesn't want to talk to me. Great. So I've literally got no one to talk to now.

I get up and wash up my plate. As I wipe the surfaces, I hear the front door open.

"Hey, I'm home!"

Wait, Dad's home now? And he's happy? Weird. Going out into the hallway, I also notice that Mum got up to see him. So she'll drop everything for him but not me and Riley? Nice.

"Hey..." I say confusedly. "How come you're home so early?"

"Just finished a project. Meant I could come home early." he replies.

"And when did you lose the ability to speak in full sentences?" I reply, smiling. Dad laughs.

"Okay, madam, I've had a long day, give me a break."

I look quickly between Mum and Dad. This is the perfect time.

"Can I tell you both something?"

"Sure." Dad says, going into the living room. "What's up?"

"I danced on my knee the other day." I say, pausing to gauge their reaction. "It didn't hurt."

Mum suddenly looks at me.

"So you're saying...?" she says.

"I think I'm ready to go back to dance." I say quickly. Dad nods.

"You're aware this means you will have to go back to school too?"

I smile sadly and sigh.

"Unfortunately, yes."

Dad nods again. Why is this going so well?

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