Chapter 36 - James

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Because I really don't know what else to do with her, I decide to watch another film with Riley. I find it hard to be with her at the moment, she is just so defensive and isolated, and, I know sometimes I like a challenge, but this is a little too much for me.

I mean, seriously, a cold made her not dance at the competition? That's a bunch of lies, everyone knows that. I don't even know who she thinks she's kidding. I know I'm her boyfriend, I should try and help with stuff like this, but if she refuses to tell anyone the truth, how can it be my problem? If she's trying to isolate herself so much, she can go ahead and do that. What's the point of putting effort in for someone when they give you absolutely nothing back? It's really doing my head in.

I watch Riley watch the film. It's weird to think about how much things have changed in such a short amount of time. Whenever I looked at her, she used to make me smile, regardless of anything else happening in my life. But now... it's just not the same. She's just too complicated and I don't want to be forced to deal with it.

Suddenly, the doorbell goes and I feel Riley jump.

"That's probably just my family back from shopping." I say to Riley, getting up.

I walk along the hallway to the front door and open it. To my surprise, it's Michelle.

"Hey James!" she says enthusiastically. My eyes open wide, remembering that Riley's in the other room.

"Shh," I whisper quickly. "Riley's here right now, she can't see us together, or she'll get suspicious. I'll be over later." I say, smiling at her, knowing she'll listen to me.

"Okay," she smiles. "See you then."

I close the door quickly and take a deep breath. Phew, Riley didn't come out into the hallway. I seem to have a habit of letting her catch me doing things I shouldn't be doing, but so far it seems to be working out okay.

As I re-enter the living room, Riley looks up at me.

"Who was that?" she asks.

"Oh no one." I say casually. She raises her eyebrows.

"No one?"

Well, if she can lie, then so can I.

"Yeah, yeah, just a postman. Don't even worry about it."

I sit back down, putting my arm round her, trying my hardest to be convincing with my casual act. Usually I act casual – I mean, my phrase has become 'don't even worry about it' – but that's because I usually am, so I'm not too great at hiding when I'm not.

Riley rests her head on my chest again and, I guess, it feels pretty nice. But then again James, you are pretty unfussy, so you'd feel this way being like this with any girl, Riley's nothing special.

I mean, I think it's obvious mine and Riley's relationship has been on the rocks for a while now. I've tried to fix it, but it just feels awkward in an uncomfortable way I never used to feel around her. And maybe I want to try something new...

I sit there with Riley, only half-watching the movie, even though it's one of my favourites. I can't seem to concentrate on anything, my mind's overrun with thoughts I can't be bothered to deal with. Looking up at the time, I realise Mum, Dad and Piper are gonna be back soon. Thank god, I've had enough of 1-on-1 interaction at the moment, and there's been too many emotions for me to deal with.

The doorbell goes right on cue – Mum's always on time – and I get up and answer it. This time, Riley comes with me.

"Your parents, right?" she asks.

"Yeah," I reply. "Think so." I open the door and see Piper, her arms filled with shopping bags from what seems like every shop in the mall.

"Hey, sis." I say, hugging her.

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