4. Hand-Feeding Polar Bears

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Chapter 4: The Good Girl's Promise

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Chapter 4: The Good Girl's Promise



Sometimes, I wonder why school is mandatory. I mean kids should have the right to decide if they want to grow up smart or stupid. Forcing it upon a kid to learn is like forcefully hand-feeding polar bears. It's not possible. But in reality if everyone had a choice, we'd all be stupid because no one would make a effort to be smart.

My fingers grip tightly onto the loose binders and books. The palm of my hands are turning white from the constant strain from all the weight of the books. My hair sticks to my face from the slick beads of sweat forming on the base of my neck. I continue to rant in my head but that doesn't change one thing. My abundant amount of homework.

Understandably, I am a senior, therefore we should get homework. I just don't get why I have homework in every class. At my old school I never had this much homework. This isn't your old school Kimberly. This is your new life. Change is good. I sigh in frustration as one of my papers from my binder falls carelessly to the floor.

Today, just isn't my day.

It was the last hour of the day and I was beyond exhausted. Ever since lunch my feet have been dragging more than normal. Adrienne noticed and asked if anything was wrong and I shook it off saying I was fine. But something is wrong. I don't want to sleep, but in reality I have too at some point.

I just wanted this first day to be over with. Just one more hour, Kimberly. Suddenly, chills ran down the center of my back as I glanced down the hallways. Students ran past me while others walked and gossiped with there locker neighbors. I felt eyes watching me but soon shook it off. I'm just probably hallucinating from the lack of sleep.

I bent down and balanced my books in one hand while I picked up my Geometry paper that fell on the floor. As I stood up a thought suddenly came to my mind. Ryder Williams. I thought back to lunch when Adrienne told me about her brother.

"Looks like my brother has his next target planned out. I'll keep you in my prayers."

"His name is Ryder Williams. The bad boy of the school. The captain of the football team. A.K.A the man whore of this school and also known as my older brother."

I still can't believe they are related. I mean Adrienne is so sweet and Ryder is just. . . a jerk. I take one more glance around the hallways searching for a certain brown-haired playboy. Was he watching me? Am I his next target? Or was Adrienne just messing with me?

Then it hit me and I laughed quietly under my breath. I can't believe I actually believed the whole "badboy's next target" prank for a minute. They were clearly just messing with me to get an reaction. I mean sure I've seen Ryder staring at me a few times but nothing obsessive. I'm such an idiot.

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