39. The Dog was as Dead as My Social Life

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Song Above: Stargazing - by Kygo

Chapter 39: The Good Girl's Promise • THE DOG WAS AS DEAD AS MY SOCIAL LIFE •

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Chapter 39: The Good Girl's Promise

WARNING CONTENT: This chapter contains sad and gruesome content in relation to animals. If you do not like gory things or animals dying please do not read or have caution when reading. Thank you! :)


The next day I woke up with a smile on my face. Despite the nightmares and sweat layering my body I remembered that this is the day that Nathan takes me out on a date. Containing my excitement, I jump out of bed and grab an oversized black sweater with a pair of dark jeans with rips in them. Jumping in the shower I let the hot water release the tension in my shoulders.

Afterwards, I place my hair into a perfect bun on the top of my head and place some concealer with some mascara upon my face. I grab my book bag and bound down the hall, literally skipping as if I was about to poop out rainbows.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Andrew asks as he appears outside his door with his backpack also. Just looking at him I could sense a new lightness to him. Must have been the "date" last night with Adrienne that's got him in such a good mood.

"Oh you know. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the weather is warming. It's just...all so beautiful!" I chirped.

Andrew takes a step back as if I was possessed. He then says, "Okay what or who the hell are you and where have you put my sister?"

I slap his shoulder and laugh, "Shut up. Can't I be happy."

"You can be happy but what worries me is that this isn't real happiness. It looks like you are faking it and that only happens when something is bothering you," Andrew points out.

I'm not faking my own happiness. I'm happy that Nathan asked me out on a date. I'm happy that I don't have to think about Ryder. I'm happy I'm moving on from Ryder. I'm happy that this isn't Ryder I'm going on a date with.

I'm happy that I'm not looking in the mirror right now realizing just how much lies I am telling myself right now.

The truth is, a part of me still wants Ryder next to me. Touching my hair, caressing my cheek, hugging me against him, and kissing me to the point where I don't even remember my own name. But the other part remembers the lies he told me, the money he bet on me, and the rejection he stated straight to my face.

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