12. Kicking Where Dolphins Don't Swim

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Chapter 12: The Good Girl's Promise

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Chapter 12: The Good Girl's Promise



The phone chimed eerily down the empty hallway. My eyes widened at the possibilities of it being the mysterious person. I gently pulled out the phone and turned it on when...

It wasn't him or her. It wasn't the mysterious threatening person.

I mentally smacked my forehead for being so terrified. I really need to get a hold of myself, I can't keep jumping to conclusions. Especially when the mysterious person has been quiet for several days.

Taking a deep breath, I read the original text. Instead, it was my brother. His text read:

Left school. Not feeling well, ttyl.

Dang, no smiley face or emoji?

Now, that's just wrong. I sigh and type a quick reply before placing my phone back into my pocket. The empty hallway gave me chills making me consciously rub my arms trying to bring warmth to my body.

Maybe, these mysterious messages are just my old friends trying to get back at them for humiliating them. Maybe it's my ex...maybe. At this point in my life, I don't know what to expect.

Or maybe the stress and lack of sleep is making me lose my mind. Maybe it's the lack of food. Maybe it's me just being stupid and assuming the worse, like I am doing now.

"My queen, may I ask if you are alright?"

I literally jumped five first in the air from the sudden voice coming from a few feet behind me. I turn around and come chest-to-chest with Nathan.

"Um-oh! I'm sorry, I didn't hear you...or see you." I said avoiding his gaze and stepping back to create some space.

"It's okay. I just wanted to see you were alright." Nathan smiled and I couldn't help but notice how close he resembled a cute puppy. A slight blush formed on his cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'm fine. I was just looking for my brother, Andrew."

"Did you find him?" Nathan said looking down the empty hallway.

"No, he texted me and said he wasn't feeling good. I was just about to go back to lunch." I shrugged my shoulders.


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