1. The Manwhore Next-door

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Chapter 1: The Good Girl's Promise • THE MANWHORE NEXT-DOOR •

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Chapter 1: The Good Girl's Promise


The plane's wheels hit the asphalt with a quiet thud. My brother is now awake, unaware of the marker on his face. It's seems like I'm planning my very own funeral. The pilot announces that we can get off the plane now. I finally stand up and stretch out my long legs. Andrew stretches his arms wide and let's out a big yawn.

I feel back crack in several places causing me to wince in pain. Some older ladies come down the isle silently giggling at my older brother. Andrew leans down and whispers,"Why are they laughing at me?" I feel myself take in a deep breath. It takes all of my strength not to laugh at him. "I don't know." I whisper silently.

We grab all of our bags and exit the plane. Andrew texted and called our Aunt Tessa but she hasn't responded yet. We don't know if she's coming to pick us up or not. All we got was a letter in the mail from her. Andrew and I haven't seen Aunt Tessa in six years. She is my mother's younger sister but I guess they got into an argument which led to them ignoring each other.

She's the only family we have left. Aunt Tessa found out and decided to take care of us until we both turn the legal age of eighteen. We exit the airport looking for any sign of transportation. The colder air clashes with my bare shoulders that my tank top doesn't bother covering up. Goosebumps run along my arm all the way down to my fingertips. I'm going to have to shop for warmer clothes when I have time. Tank tops and shorts is all I have. Well really that's all you needed in California.

I feel a tap of a finger on my upper shoulder. My eyes land on Andrew, he had his hand up pointing at an older man. The man has got to be in his sixties. His bushy mustache is as white as snow and his blue orbes show that he has seen many things. Good and bad. He is wearing a crisp black suit along with a black tie that has been expertly tied. In his hands he holds a large white sign that says are last name 'Adams' in big bold print.

I look at my brother curiously. He gives me a warning look,"We don't know him Kim. Don't go up to him, he could be a kidnapper for all we know."

"I don't think kidnappers have limos as their get away cars." I point at the slick black vehicle behind the man. "Our aunt Tessa probably ordered a limo service to pick us up, idiot." My brother pieces together my words carefully. I role my eyes and begin walking towards the elderly man without my brother. I hear Andrew yell,"Kim wait-"

I approached the mustache man quickly. He smiles, causing his mustache to spread across his face. "Ms. Adams?" I nod my head slowly,"Yes, and who are you?" He takes the sign and places it in the front seat of the limo. By then my brother Andrew has came and pushed his way in front of me. His shoulder blocking my view partly from the mustache man. I laugh silently when the man looks at my brothers marked face he lets out a small chuckle knowing that it was my doing.

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