14. As Serious as Lady Gaga in a Meat Dress

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Chapter 14: The Good Girl's Promise

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Chapter 14: The Good Girl's Promise


The police are here.

Those four words echoed at the base of my skull. All of the bowling, laughing, arguing, and heavy tension in the air soon dissipated into nothing. The original fear that plagued me when we got here an hour ago, came back full force.

I can't go to jail, I can't. That would ruin my scholarship, my future, my future freaking children's lives. . .okay, maybe not the last part but still.

And it's all his fault. It was all Ryder's fault and partly mine for agreeing and talking to him in the first place. I'm so stupid. I have to be as stupid as a chair. Well...chairs are pretty smart. They know when to move and block my path every now and then causing me to stub my toe.

Focus, Kimberly.

Ryder and I looked at each other then at the door. Two police cars were parked next to Ryder's nice car. They flashed their lights through the car windows and grumbled to each other about something.

Ryder took the opportunity of distraction to turn of the lights and gather our stuff while I stood like a deer in the head lights watching the police now turn towards us. Ryder's hand yanked my arm causing me to skid across the floor. Our labored breaths and racing hearts surrounded the moldy air.

Our feet squeaked as we hustled to a grey door that says,"Employees Only." I could hear the police open the front doors and say their usual get up such as,"Police! Come out and show yourselves."

Ryder cursed under his breath as he searched for a light switch in the cramped room. The light flickered from a old light bulb as the room came into clear focus. It was a cramped room probably only ten feet by ten feet. Consisting of a rusty big locker, a splintering desk and a moldy looking rug.

We were trapped. There was no where to hide. We were dead meat and I was going to die. Or worse, go to jail. I'll never see my books again...I never got to say goodbye.

Ryder glanced around the room frantically which only made me panic more. He pointed to the large locker and whispered,"Get in, Princess. Now." He turned off the light switch and I shakily got into the large locker.

Ryder pulled the locker door open and stepped into the space with me. His hard chest was flush with mine and even in the large space, it was cramped. His head was touching the very top of the rusty locker, making me fully realize how tall he was.

His warm breath fell upon my forehead and his hands were on of me. He closed the door just as I was about to object about us being in the same locker,"Ryder I-"

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