48. Exchanging Kisses and Nudes

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Chapter 48: The Good Girl's Promise • EXCHANGING KISSES AND NUDES •

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Chapter 48: The Good Girl's Promise


There is a time in which you feel pain.

Not just any pain...

It's that overbearing pain that consumes your thoughts, your emotions and your entire body. It feels like burning fire running through your veins and your heart falling dead in you chest.

I've only felt that type of pain three times in my life. When my mom died, when Kimberly was bleeding out in my arms... and now...

Now...when I watched my unconscious Princess beaten, bruised, and battered lying too still in her hospital bed. It has been two days since I've woken up in the hospital.

In those two days, I spend countless hours worrying about Kimberly, healing, and listening to Adrienne rant about tv shows and the latest gossip on the Kardashians. Adrienne and I both knew that I didn't care at all about that stuff, but I guess in a way it was a way of getting my mind off of Kimberly.

Even if it only lasted a couple seconds.

In those two days, your mind begins to wonder. It begins to think of all of the bad things that could be happening. I began to question if Kimberly was alive, if she made it through surgery, or even if she still had all of her limbs.

But now, those thoughts have died. I wheel myself through the door of Kimberly's room. Desperate to feel her soft skin and to see her brown eyes that have consumed my dreams. However, I was consumed with another image entirely.

Kimberly laid there, deathly still underneath a white hospital blanket. Her head, bandaged and her body frail against the harsh lights of the hospital room.

Her chest and leg bandaged as I overheard the doctor stating she had several broken bones.

My hands stilled on my wheel, and I had to do a double take. Am I in the wrong room? What happened to my princess? Is this broken, bruised girl really my sharp-tongued, gorgeous girl that could brighten the depths of hell if she wanted to?

Somehow amongst my thoughts, I felt a hand pat my shoulder. I nearly jumped in fright before turning my attention away from Kimberly. Jacob stood behind me, his eyes not meeting mine as he also looked at Kimberly's broken figure.

"What-" I began to ask, wondering why he is here.

This past week Jacob hasn't made an occurrence once. Axel and Calum have stopped by several times, bringing flowers for Kimberly and Playboy magazines for me (that still lye unopened near my hospital bed). I just thought that Jacob was being Jacob, but now that I see his tired eyes and his distraught figure, I couldn't help but feel that it was for an entirely different reason.

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