44. I Would Follow the Trail of Half Eaten Tacos

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Chapter 44: The Good Girl's Promise• I WOULD FOLLOW THE TRAIL OF HALF EATEN TACOS •

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Chapter 44: The Good Girl's Promise

* WARNING* Grab your tissues!


Do you ever feel lost?

Like for the first time you lost your mother in the grocery store. Or when you finally wake up from all of your power naps in math and realize you don't understand anything on the board?

Except this type of lost is the lost you feel when you lose someone. When death grabs them by the hand takes them away, leaving a hole where they once filled, empty. Void of anything but darkness.

I was lost.

I didn't know what I was looking at, who I was, or the warm fuzzy sensation that was blocking anything from flowing to my brain. All I could see was blurred shapes.

Those blurred shapes being my best friends. I remember slowly, the painful reality of the situation I was in. My glassy eyes stare ahead into the darkness, watching it as it toys with my mind.

I know he is out there.

I know the killer is out there, watching me right now.

Waiting for me to break, to call the police, and to panic. And personally, I was about to do all of those things internally but I knew it would not benefit me in any way.

Adrienne's panicking figure paced in front of me. I was currently curled up on the hard asphalt parking lot not saying a word, just shutting down slowly.

Jamie was leaning next to me, her hand rubbing soothing patterns on my arm as she tries to get me to talk. They have no idea what's going on. They have no idea why their best friend just collapsed in the parking lot and now is an empty shell of a person.

The person they just went to the movies and shopping with is curled up deep within the shell, too hurt to come out and admit that everything is fine.

Because it's not. Nothing is fine. My life, my family, my friends, me...nothing is fine.

Maybe hours have passed or possibly minutes, but somehow I lost all track of time too.

It wasn't until I heard the screeching of car tires and a door slamming shut behind me did I twist my head the slightest. Adrienne's frantic words echoed in the empty spaces around us as she practically yelled at the unknown person.

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