6. Tutoring Sessions Over the Alphabet

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Chapter 6: The Good Girl's Promise

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Chapter 6: The Good Girl's Promise


NOTE: *sips tea and clicks publish.* sorry for the late update. This chapter is dedicated to Louis Tomlinson's mum who just passed away recently. Also, Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful time! Feel free to read this chapter during awkward family Christmas parties where they only argue about politics and your grandma doesn't stop pinching your cheeks. I know I will! :)

Song above: Just Hold On - Louis Tomlinson & Steve Aoki


Fear clutched at my chest; my heart beats rapidly. My thumbs twitch in front of my phone not fully knowing what to do. Who is this? What did they want? Is this some sick high school joke?

My head hurts as I rehearse the words in my head. Who would know about my parents? Neither me or my brother told anyone. Neither did we want too. It just brings up memories that we don't want to remember.

Unless, it wasn't a high school joke. But who else would send me a horrific text like this? Who else would mess around with my parent's death? Unless...that person was there when my parents were murdered. Unless they knew about the murder.

Or possibly this person is the murder.

"No, it's like their was never a killer. There's no evidence. Nothing. Whoever killed Phil and Melanie Adams planned this thoroughly."

My mother and father's killer was still on the loose.

Terrible chills ran down my spine. I glanced around the large front yard of my new home. The wind sends a eerie feeling running through my body. Occasionally, the leaves and bushes would rustle causing me to nearly drop my phone that shook in my hands. Is the murderer coming after me? Andrew? Aunt Tessa? I looked down at the text and shook my head. I'm just imagining things. This is probably some sick high schooler playing a stupid prank on the newbie. When I find out who is pranking me I will hurt them severely. No one makes fun of my own parents death.

After several minutes of staring at the phone, I sigh; then I block and delete the unanimous texts.

"Are you alright there Kimbean?" I heard a voice come from a few feet away. My eyes met a pair of hazel eyes; his famous smirk prominent on his face, like always.

I glanced one more time at my blank phone screen. Deciding against it, I placed my phone back into my pocket. A scowl forms on my face when he slowly walks closer. My feet swing on the edge of the pick-up truck. Ryder comes even closer; nearly crushing my personal bubble.

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