21. Hobos Fighting For Tampons

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Chapter 21: The Good Girl's Promise • HOBOS FIGHTING FOR TAMPONS •

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Chapter 21: The Good Girl's Promise


"Walmart?" I question out loud.

"That is what I said, Princess." Ryder mocked as he drove towards the downtown area where all the shops were located at.

"What is so dangerous about Walmart except the weird hobos that sleep in the tampon isles?" I question as my once occupied hand was laying on my lap. Ryder removed his hand from mine when he started driving causing me to feel somewhat disappointed.

"Walmart is not the dangerous part, although those hobos do put up a fight for those tampons." Ryder says seriously causing me to look at him in disbelief.

When we reach a red stop light, Ryder looks at me and roles his eyes,"I'm joking, Princess."

"Exactly what is dangerous about tonight? Because I don't want to be mobbed by a gang or fall off a cliff by the end of the night."

"We are buying things from Walmart for something that may be illegal." Ryder shrugged his shoulders.

"Stop the car." I threatened.


"Stop the car!" I screech.

"Princess, calm down-"

"I will not calm down you adrenaline junky assh*le! I am not going to almost if not get arrested by the police this time! I actually want to live a life outside of jail cells and ugly orange jump suits! Leave me out of this!" I start jiggling the car handle.

"Kimberly, calm down. You aren't going to get arrested." I stop jiggling the car handle.

"Listen, I know a lot of things have been happening to both of us in our lives. I thought maybe we can blow off some of this steam and do something fun."

"And something illegal is fun?" I accuse.

"You'd be surprised."

"If we get caught-"

"I'll take the blame for you."

My body relaxes slightly and all I could think was,'What have I gotten myself into?' I sigh and nod my head.

"Fine. But I will kill you if we get caught." I threatened as the thought of doing something illegal plagued me. Oh my mangoes, I am freaking doing something illegal with Ryder Williams. Am I really this far gone in the world?

The rest of the car ride was silent. I was constantly on edge at the thought that a car might ram into us any second. The haunting images from the other day haunts my vision still. I can still feel the aching and burning deep in my lungs.

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