46. Sleeping Beauty Finally Woke Up

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Chapter 46: The Good Girl's Promise • SLEEPING BEAUTY FINALLY WOKE UP •

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Chapter 46: The Good Girl's Promise


Aunt Tessa.

Aunt Tessa?

Like a slap in the face, my heart and stomach churned as I looked at the smug looking Aunt that I have learned to trust in these past months. She has been the one that has hurt me? Stalked me? Killed everything that I have loved around me?

Good God, please tell me I am dreaming. Tell me that I will wake up in Ryder's arms from this nightmare. Because the truth hurts way more than the suspense leading up to this point.

I felt so many emotions fleeting through my heart, and brain making me start to think that I will never feel them again if they keep changing so fast.

I opened my mouth, hoping to see if this was indeed real when I heard a strangled groan from beside me. My attention, along with Aunt Tessa and Nathan's fled to Andrew's beaten body.

Nathan laughed and said, "Looks like sleeping beauty finally woke up."

I felt my heart leap, seeing my brother still alive settled a small amount of relief. Although, we both won't be alive for long if I don't find a way out of this.

Andrew groaned again and pushed himself into sitting position. His whole face was bloodied and bruised. His left eye was swollen shut and large cuts framed his face making him look like he just came from a war zone.

Andrew spit at Nathan's feet and grumbled, "You f*cking a**hole. I'm going to f*cking-"

Nathan tsked and smirked, "I would watch your language. Especially around your sister," he said with a sadistic grin that made me lean away slightly.

At the mention of "sister" my brother's one good eye widened as he looked around him before meeting my gaze only ten feet away.

I almost let out a sob of relief and fear as his identical eyes met mine.

He gasps, "Kimbear?"

My lip trembled as pain arced through my body, "Andy, are you o-okay?" I managed to croak out, trying to get closer but knowing fully well that if I got any closer they would pull us apart.

Andrew ignored my question as his panic-stricken voice asked, "What the hell are you doing here? How..."

This time, I didn't get a chance to respond. Aunt Tessa's voice rang through the empty building as she answered Andrew's question, "I led her here. I thought it would be a nice little family reunion before your blood swam acrossed these floors."

Aunt Tessa's words made my blood chill over.

Andrew tore his eyes away from mine as his eyebrows furrowed, "Aunt Tessa? What are you doing here? What is going on?"

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