43. Tickling Gorillas & Horny Male Spaded Dogs

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Chapter 43: The Good Girl's Promise • TICKLING GORILLAS & HORNY MALE SPADED DOGS •

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Chapter 43: The Good Girl's Promise


The next week flew by quicker than I expected. With school ending in only in a little over a month, homework, and Ryder consuming my thoughts most of the time, I barely even noticed that it was the beginning of April until I flipped the calendar page up.

I smiled, remembering that yesterday was April Fools Day. Where Ryder fooled me almost ten times with a variety of bugs "on my shoulder" and ended up cackling by himself as I hit him repeatedly with my textbook. To say he had over twenty-five bruises by the end of the day was an understatement.

Ever since our date nine days ago, we have been closer than I ever thought imaginable. Almost as if he was my boyfriend. But that forbidden word has not made an appearance yet in any of our conversations. Partly, because I'm scared he will reject me like last time and also because....I love what we have now.

Every night he comes over as we sleep together in bed, both of us chasing each other's nightmares away. The next morning (depending on the time) he would be next to me or a white note would be left on the pillow next to mine. Often the note tells me what time he I picking me up for school and how beautiful I look when I sleep.

I would always blush and meet him at the front door. Then the rest of the day we stay attached at the hip. We often ask each other questions, make fun of teachers, and laugh until my insides begin to ache. Other students would just look between us as if we were had two heads.

Most of the time I hear them whispering something along these lines:

What the hell is he doing with her?

Doesn't he know that she has STDs?

I wonder if she is pregnant and he feels bad for knocking her up?

And most of the time I would call them out, give them a murdering glance, or let my middle finger sway in the air and silence their pointless chattering.

But also along with school and Ryder, I have been focused on other things. Like trying to talk to Nathan. He has been understandably ignoring me since Ryder and I's "relationship" was exposed the day after Nathan and I's date.

I can understand fully why he is mad. I just want to apologize and hopefully make amends with everything that has happened. Hopefully, we can still be friends in the end.

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