35. One Big Hoe Family

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Chapter 35: The Good Girl's Promise• ONE BIG HOE FAMILY •

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Chapter 35: The Good Girl's Promise

Important Note: My story (this one) disappeared for three days this week. Like it totally vanished from my works and profile. I couldn't find it anywhere. (I WAS FREAKING OUT) Luckily, it showed up and I am here four days late updating because of it. I'm really sorry guys, and for now on I am saving this story in another area so that I can continue this story. :)


Give me a f*cking knife.

Or a sledge hammer, or even a freaking lawn mower. Better yet, give me all of them so I can kill the two people that were raising hell before my eyes. I felt my fists clench with utter frustration as Ryder flaunted Veronica like she was some grand prize.

She may be a grand prize in a prostitute club but she ain't nothing but trash here in high school.

Filthy little bitc-

"Kimberly? Kimberly, are you okay?" I heard Nathan ask from beside me. I totally forgot he was even there until I tore my attention away from the two demons.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I said, even though I was anything but fine. I was mad, confused and utterly betrayed.

We got into a fight, sure, everyone has a fight from time to time but that doesn't make it okay to go back to ex-hooker overnight. I felt my breaths get more labored at the truth staring me straight in the face.

What if Ryder has been playing me this whole time?

That explains why he didn't want to be my boyfriend, that explains why he doesn't want commitment, and that explains why he is back with Veronica. I'm just a freaking chew toy to him to keep him company before the real prize comes.

I've been played by the player. Again.

Feeling my emotions stoop to an haunting low, I feel my hands shake and my throat get raw. He never cared, he never liked me.

Every word was a lie. Every kiss was forced. Every hug of comfort while I get trampled on by this person who is threatening me, was just for himself.

And what I thought was actually a person that cared, was a person who just wanted to see if he can get the new girl. As if he wanted to see if  I could resist his charms.

And sadly, I couldn't.

He knew what I was going through. He knew about my brother, and the killer, and my parents and yet, he still plays me as if he thinks I can handle more pain than all of which I have received.

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