33. Nuts Thrown at Nervous Squirrels

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Chapter 33: The Good Girl's Promise • NUTS THROWN AT NERVOUS SQUIRRELS •

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Chapter 33: The Good Girl's Promise

Author's Note: Okay, before you guys come to my doorstep with pitch forks and knives, I want to say that I am truly sorry. One of my family members passed away recently and it has hardened my concentration and time into this book. I have been sad and depressed and I'm sorry for the VERY long overdue chapter. I hope this makes up for it. :(

Question: Who do you think the mystery killer is?


The eerie ringtone echoed off into the empty, cold spaces of my house. It seemed to intensify as the ring continued. The words "unknown number" flashed a crossed the screen almost haunting me with the nightmares that never seem to go away.

My face I could imagine is brightened by the harsh glares of my phone's screen light. My sweaty, shaking palms slowly pressed the green button, answering the call. I was expecting to hear a real voice. One that belongs to my mother and father's killer.

But then again, how stupid it would be if they did. Instead, I heard the gruff, fake voice that many of the criminals in the tv shows use to communicate. It deflects their voice making it unrecognizable.

Chills ran down my spine as a sudden cold whisper of air shot through the room. My voice was untrustworthy, but I shakily mumbled anyways, "What do you want?"

"I want many things, Kimberly. Most importantly, I want you and your family to die."

Panic shot through my body. I'm willing to die, but my brother and Aunt Tessa needs to live.

I said quickly, "I'll die, but leave my brother and Aunt Tessa out of this. Please..." I pleaded, feeling utter panic and fear grip my entire body.

Tears threatened to fall, as I heard the fake voice laugh monotonously, then they responded, "So courageous little Kimberly, but I'm not ready to kill you just yet. I haven't had my fun with you yet."

"Why can't you just leave me alone? What did I ever do to you?" I broke, trying to clear my vision from the tears.

Completely ignoring my questions of sanity they talked over me, "It's your time to play the game again. Your brother plans on returning the money that he stole. I don't want that and you will stop him."

"I c-can't-"

"You can, and you will. Unless, you want me to somehow turn these photos into the police, and have him arrested for many years, I suggest that you take the money and bring it to me."

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