11. Balder Than a Bald Eagle

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Chapter 11: The Good Girl's Promise • BALDER THAN A BALD EAGLE •

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Chapter 11: The Good Girl's Promise


I can't even remember the life I used to have. It's been a little more than a month and yet, the images of my mother and father's smiling faces are fading away into the black abyss. My brother. . .may just be as lost as me. He just does a better job at covering up the pain that we both carry upon our shoulders.

After I discovered him drinking, I didn't know what to do. My brother has always been a steady rock against the strong currents of the passing seasons. But when I seen him upon the bed, broken, and drinking his sorrows away, I realized that my old brother was no where to be found in the dead, emotionless body as I shut the door behind me.

And just that little detail sent me over the edge.

My rock was breaking, I was breaking and I had nothing to hold on to but my lifeless and depressed body. The body that is lacking days of sleep and food. I could faintly hear the drunken slurs of my brother as I walked into my bedroom and shut the door behind me.

Very slowly, I slid down to the hard cold floor. My fingers raked through the deep roots of my brown hair as I tugged at them. My lip trembled as the helpless cries of a drunk echoed down the hall. He isn't my brother - no, he wasn't the same since that night.

Tears just dropped to the floor in off-beat patterns as sobs came from my mouth.

Shakily, I raised my head and looked at the ceiling where Heaven must be within the sky and shouted angrily,"Why did you leave me?! What did I-I do to deserve this?! W-why does everyone l-leave me. . .please! Please come back!"

I hit the floor with my fists as more tears and sobs came. The tears weren't from the mourning of my parents instead, they were for the pain that keeps digging holes in my chest. It was for the pain that comes from everyone leaving me.

I rocked back and forth until my face was blotchy and my nose was stuffed up. Then there was a sound similar to a thud. . .thud . . .thud. I thought at first it was my heart beating in my ears but it got louder and louder until I knew it was coming from my window.

Slowly, I got to my feet and didn't bother to wipe the tears as I opened my shade. There (like usual) Ryder stood throwing rocks from his bedroom window. I didn't have the heart to yell at him or even flip him off. Instead, I just stared emotionless at his tall figure.

He didn't notice I was there before looking me in my tear-streaked eyes. His features softened slightly making my wonder what Ryder Williams had done in his life to deserve the term "bad boy." The only thing I consider bad, is him using different girls each night.

Ryder motioned for me to open my window and I just stared at him. More tears just fell and this time I wiped them away. Ryder began shouting,"Lil bean, open the da*m window!"

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