A English girl in America: faced with the schools player. A disaster waiting to happen.

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This is anew book it's taken me a while to convince myself to write this and I'm taking a short brake from writing vampire more supernatural books write now all I want to do is make a teen book. So here it goes.


Alissa-- New girl at school in America and she is from UK. Our girl.

Chase-- School Player thinks he can get any girl he wants. Cocky and sometimes an asshole.

And I'm warning you guys there is gonna be sex though it's a bit awkward for me as I'm 13 but I will make it discriptive ( I feel like a perv saying that). Well hope u guys like it.


First Appereances---/--/---

I quickly picked up my red school bag and did a sprint to my car. Damn it was my first day and I was already late . I opened the door to my blue mini Cooper and climbed onto the new leather seats. I honestly loved this car, even though my bitch of a step mum bought it for me I loved it, not her. Not a way in he'll would I ever love a evil witch like her, haha a witch hmmm does the witch Caron ring a bell. I turned the key in the ignition and drove to school. I drove slot faster than normally as I knew that I was doing 70 on a 50 zone. But right now I didn't give a damn. I had to make it too school on time. I refused to make a shitty impression on my first day.

I efficiently wheel spinned my car into the nearest parking space. Yeh I like to show off so what. I picked up my bag from the passenger seat and made my way into the school. Only to be met with numerous stares from the student body. Damn don't they have any manners. I guess California is a no manners school. Ha they wouldn't last a day in sittinbourne in England .

I noticed the guys staring at me with lust but the girls giving me bitchy looks and looks just plain dirty that I just smirked at them. When they stared I stared I knew that my eyes would intimidate them, they were a silvery blue and they stood out from the muddy brown and lifeless green eyes the others had.

I walked into the building with OFFICE in bold letters above a smart looking steel door. As I walked in I could easily trace the stench of burning paper and I could hear the scratching of pens. I walked towards what I assumed to be the front desk. And was faced by a woman clearly in her mid twenties with brown eyes and dark brown hair. She smiled a bored smile and motioned for me to sit at the seat in front of her desk. I slowly walked forward and sat in the uncomfortable wooden armchair.

" hello you must be Ariella Richardson the new student, first of all I would like to welcome you to our school , I am Miss Danvers the Priniciple of here at California High School, I take it that it was a good flight from England as you look exceedingly healthy. Do you play sports?"

" ummm yeh , I urr... Play football umm... Soccer it's called here ain't it" I answered confused by her preppy approach.

" arrr yes it is called soccer... Maybe you should try out for the team it's joint for girls and boys but not many girls get in unfortunatly but maybe you could we need to show coach knowles that girls can play, anyway here's your timetable and if you need any help don't hesitate to come see me, I will gladly help." and her smile turned more... Motherly ..,in a way.

I quickly checked my timetable and realized I had english first period with a Mr Trevorn. I begged in my mind he was a funny teacher as I particually liked english and had reached a talent in it as well as a talent in music. I quickly found my designated room and strode in like I owned the place. I ran my fingers through my blonde hair and walked to the teachers desk.

" Hello I am Ariella, the umm... New student" I whispered. I quickly examined the teacher he looked pretty cool and was maybe about 25.

" why hello Ariella why don't you introduce yourself to the class." he replied loud enough for everyone too hear. I looked confidently at the unknown faces and smiled at them.

" ummm... Hi I'm Ariella, I'm 17, I'm from sittingbourne that's in England and my nicknames Ari"

I turned back to the teacher and he smiled friendly at me. Which I returned.

" well thankyou Ari and please go sit next to Mr Chase on the back row"

I nodded at him and hastily made my way to the back of the class. And got my first glimpse of Chase and I got one word for you.


A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now