A English girl in America : faced with the school player : a disaster waiting to happen.

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Hii x Ha a shoutout too MissCRiddle and the famous Oxizzy my first Fan x. Love all my fans x

Chase: ha I kissed her.

Me: very mature

Chase: hey who needs mature when you got a huge co... ( cuts chase off)

Me: You so sex mad!

Chase: that's what I am and that was a good kiss

Me: bet I'm betta kisser than you

Chase: We'll see

----- end of interview---/---

Chapter 5

---- late night phone calls-------

Oh god damn it, he kissed me and and i kissed him back, I'm such an idiot damn him the good kisser no not good it was Amazing I practically clung onto him. Damn.

I ran back to my car and slowly drove back to my apartment. I opened the door and immediatly relaxed onto the fabric covered sofa. I reached for the remote and turned the channel to Nickolodeon and was greeted with a episode of Spongebob square pants. What can I say I love sponge bob.

Two hours later-

I realised I had fallen asleep on the sofa and was about to go back to sleep when I heard the phone ring. I picker up the reciever and heard Mari's squeeky voice.

" heeeeeyyy how are you and why didn't you go to the office I saw you go to the woods"

" well sorry, but I was kidnapped by Chase"

" what" she squeeked " what did you two do?"

" well he kissed me" I replied and heard a squeal at the other end " look sorry mari I gotta go bye" and I hastily put down the reciever . When suddenly the phone ringed again.

" dammit mari I gotta go!" I shouted clearly annoyed but startled to not hear mari but a sexy husky voice.

" well hi to you too Ari it's Chase here and just wanted to say if you ever wanna kiss me again just come round anytime"

I mentally screamed buy then decided hmmm.., maybe just maybe I could tease him. Aha vengence is soo cool. God dammit he gonna pay.

I hung up the reciever and made my way to my car.

A/n sorry it's short more tomoz x

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