A English girl on America : Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hiii guys chapter 19 oh my god amazzziinng!!

Loviinn my fans forevaaa and evaaaa

u make my second minute day week month year .. Life!!!

Not that far maybe the next 10 years or sooo....

I'm getting excited about this book

And for hormone freaks there WILL be sex!!! And hot hot hot!!

Chilli pepper hot!!!!!

Bring it like a hooot pepper dudes!!!!

Anyway back to the story:

Love my fans my lil butterflys who I grew from caterpillars . X god imma freaky biatch! X

Interview with Ari's mum------------

Julie: Im so pleased with Ari and Chase...

Me:Uuuuurrr yeh they're doing good

Julie: Yeh I hope so... I'm worried though...

End of interview-------------------------

ok let's get on with chapter 19 -- :-) :-) ;-) ;-) * wink wink*

Chapter 19:

" Ari Heelllooo Ari wake UP!!"

I sprung up my karate * wink wink spidey scenses* and I punched and thrashed around only to be caught at the end of my fist and Chase came on top of me.

" Mmmmm this is comfortable" he smirked.

I brought my free hand behind my back * with being double jointed helps* I unlocked the door and flipped Chase off me and off the door. I laughed like a lunatic then saw the anger in his face.I sprinted from the car through the forest and heard him behind me ha he didn't know that I was a first class sprinter in primary I always got the sprints on sports day. But god he was fast I pushed myself as hard as I could and as fast as I could. I came to a clearing and stopped ...

Infront of me was some guy and girl making out!!!

Ewww !!! I tried to back out but felt two strong hands snake around my waste .

" Knew i'd catch you" Chase whispered in my ear. And for some damn reason I shivvered from fear or lust I don't know . DAMN HIM!!!

He carefully pulled me back into the bush and practically dragged me into the forest.

" Get on my back Ari it'll get us there quicker."

" Hell no!!" I protested.

" Look Ari I won't try anything now please get on my back or get caught by the two people twisting tongues" he looked reserved and looked like a pleading child.I was about to protest but the pure pleadence in his eyes brought down my now futile protests.

I carefully climbed onto his back and he sprinted through the forest till we came to another clearing and I noticed there was a ready to use campfire , a log to sit on and.. And one tent?!

" Ummm where's my tent?" I questioned slightly scared for the answer.

" Well my peachy parrot we're sharing a tent."

no no noooo!! Please no I know he'll try something now!

Won't he..?

End of chapter--------------------------------

Thankyou for Reading

Till next time................

Goodbye :-)

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now