A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hello everyone Well I've got this cool song I found by Lmfao they pretty cool.

I just wanna say a massive thankyou to everyone all the viewers and the fans x

Best Fans Evvaaa!!


ok go on there and it'll rock your world x

Next Chapter-- Nah Nah NaNa

Chapter 24:

The drive back was exausting I was out of breath and my head ached from hitting the sand when me and Chase jumped from the boulder. I rubbed my temples gently and tryed to soothe my aching headache. I layer back my head and rested my eyes.

Next Day ( Yeh that was a long sleep)

" Oiteeee gettiii upiii " A voice Chirped frombeside me. I looked at it through groggy eyes .

Damn alarm clock pissing me off.

I picked it up from the side table and threw it at the bedroom sofa. And it landed with a mighty thump. I looked to my other side and saw Chase sleeping .

Awww I hate him but he looks so young when he sleeps. God I'm bi-opular.

I crept over to my 'closet' ( Wardrobe dammit). And checked behind me Chase was still asleep. Soft and sound. His eyes we a'closed. I quickly took of my pyjama short shorts and bent over to reach the red skinny jeans at the back shelf when I heard a wolf whistle. I turned and saw Chase smiling wildly. Jeez NO!

" Phwooaar You want me to tap that ass for you, Heyy it'll be your best time evaaa! Probably your a little girl virgin!" He snorted.

" Actually I've had sex dumb ass it was with my last boyfriend Ale.." I stopped halfway. No come on your over him just say his name. " A.. Al.. Alex" I blurted. Traitor tears forming at the memories.

Chase walked up behind me and massaged my shoulders. And sat me in his lap my legs dangling , nearly reaching the floor.

" What happened?" Chase whispered.

" Uuh.." I started but Chase cut me off.

" Dont tell me if you don't want to. He soothingly whispered.

His gentle words set of a flame inside me burning with new found courage.

" His Name was Alex He was my first boyfriend, we were together for two years but I walked inon him Cheating on me . At MY birthday party. Turns out the guy had been Cheating for 7 months ." I finished then stood up.

" Ok let's get ready for School. " I quickly blurted. And pouted my lip effectively.

End ---

Bye x

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now