A English girl in America : Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Ok guys Well I was planning on posting this later but I have been harassed * smirks* by my friend Ashleigh ( HammyUK Check it out!!!) Anyway I've been musing over this Chapter. Not sure of what to write. My mind has been on a twirl. I am in a way superglued to this story. So.. Unfair. But I'm a book geek I was born that way. I need to write or I may indeedee die. ( not lying I've had trauma before ) Writing is my second life . I depend on it the most. It is my savior. My life would be innevoracbly a warb a drizzly life not worth living.

But you guys changed that for me. You made me a second life. By listening to my stories.

Chapter 30-----/

I woke with a jerk. And saw Chase. He was looking at me from the armchair. In .. Lust. He glided over to beside me and sat down. Denting the Matress he leaned over towards me and caressed my cheek.

" Soo.. Beautiful" He murmered.

My breathing hitched and I leaned into his gentle hand. Chase leaned towards me his stunningly handsome face inches from my own. I tried to breath but they came out shaky but I was breathing never the less. Chase's eyes stared into mine. His lips looked so incredibly inviting .. So inviting that I couldn't bring myself to close the Tiny space between us. Chase saw my reluctance to indeed close the space , so he reached Down without removing his eyes from mine and grasped it .

" Ariella .. You are the sun in my night... Your beauty facades all over.. I ask you this.. May I kiss you.. Kiss you as you deserve .. May I kiss you?" He asked with Complete sincerity. And I simply nodded my head. My mouth would simply not work and I could form any words. I knew it was wrong but it felt so incredibly right.

And Chase took me in his arms.

His lips smashed onto mine, making my mind turn into a haze of lust and.. I couldn't think of any rational words except a burning in my chest that was calling for Chase. For him to exstinguish the flames and merge into my heart. His lips were so heavenly .. So divine. Soft as a swan feather they massaged my lips and soothed the ache for him. But it just changed from my lips to my.. Abdomen!?

He gently caressed his tongue against my lips begging for entrance that I gave with utter non thinkality. His tongue plunged into my mouth tracing everything and I soon danced his tongue with mine. Egniting a delicious fire between us. My body arched into him begging for him to release me from the tense feeling throught me. He tore of my shirt and threw it onto the floor, then reached the button of my jeans and straddled them of me. While I lay there helpless to lost with him touching me. My mind had faultered me. But I soon realised that I was now naked and in my mind gasped that Chase was too. His delictable bronze skin shining against his incredible 6 pack making me shivver in delight. I wanted him.. Now!

Chase began kissing my exposed breasts sucking on them making me moan loudly . He tickled my hard nipples with his expert tongue making me gasp in absoulute paradise of pleasure. He worked his tongue down my body till he reached my Section and he teased my Clit with his tongue making me scream. He spun his tongue making my body writhe in extacy. A burn in my abdomen was growing like a storm and it was brimming I looked down at Chase and he was staring at me, his beautiful eyes twinkling.

And it pushed me over the edge.

I screamed out , my body being bathed in exctacy. Making me shivver in delight. My being shook in pleasure until I gave way and waved of plasure hit me.. Making me shake. And I collapsed falling back onto my pillow.......

I jerked upwards covered in sweat. I looked around and Chase was asleep beside me, dreaming like a child.

It had only been a dream...!

End --

you have no idea how strange that was for me to write and incredibly disturbing. I've known about Sex/Oral and others for a while Its not something that I needed to know but you hear things that stick with you. Boys talking blah blah .. And I thought put those gossips to good use and make it into your book. So I did. Sorry if I have disturbed anyone to much.

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now