A English girl in America : Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Ok let's get to it...

Sorry no interview and should I continue them I'm not sure x

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Chapter 22:

" So what do you want!" snapped Chase looking irratated. And I snapped out of my momentary shock and took a second glance at him but he just turned around and carefully felt the nearby bench next to the cooker then sat down , but slightly cringed at the dampness.

" Sooo.. You wanna hotdog?" he asked hurriedly , obvioursly getting hungry himself and he started turning on the cooker and putting on the frying pans . His voice held none of his usual cockiness that I was uncomfortably coming accostomed with.

I mused over what to have...

" I think hmmm... I know I'll have a hotdog, bacon roll, cheese on toast and a pot noodle pleeaaasee.!" I deliberarly squealed. Well I did love food and that's good since I have a extremely fast matabilism so I never get fat. Can't you see the pure beauty of it. But I was myself in no shape or form of being ULTRA skinny a.k.a bordeline of anerexia. Look I've seen those girls no way do I want to necome like that. I was in-between which was perfect for me. Most of the girls at my old school get into the 'IN' crowd by either having massive boobs, being a slut or being anerexic. Discusting I know. People in my opinion should not just like you for your outside but also your inside too. ( Personality Grade Reference Actual intelligence Kindness) Not all beauty is on the outside .

I turned my head to see Chase at the mini cooker cooking mine and his breakfast WAIT!!!


What happened dis I somehow magically transport myself into a far away parallel Universe. I think not. But Chase!! Chase is making me breakfast something here is not right. Chase turned his head and laughed at my gaping mouth.

" What you trying to say guys can't cook!" he taunted.

"wwwwhat... Nnnnooo it's just strange yoouuu doing it !" I gasped. Guilt and shame flooding over me. But his smile did not falter.

" Dont worry you'll still love it no matter what . Even if I put dog muck in it." he laughed. And I rolled my eyes

" Well your apology just went out of the window." I teased.

" Well go get it." Chase automatically replied.

" Dont be a idiot" I retorted.

" No! Aplogy Now!" Chase said in a baby voice and added affect by stamping on the wet leaf covered ground spraying water at me. I gingerly wiped it of my face. Pulling a discusted look of but Chase just smirked.

" Ok come on let's eat!!" Chase childishly wined. Passing me a bacon roll.

" Hey where's the rest?" I asked doubt faked on my face.

" Ran away" laughed chase . " Naaww I knew you eat alot but you couldn't handle that much." He chuckled and tucked into his hotdog.

And I tucked into the fattening juicy bacon and relished at the deliciouse taste that reminded me of home. But I knew that it was not easily retreiveable.

Chase was a american hotdog. And

I was a British Bacon Roll.

Both Deliciouse But both so different.

End of Chapter-----

I would just like to say about anerexia. It is a serious health and medical condition. NOT FUNNY!

What I love Bacon!!! Mmmmmmm yummy...

I hope u enjoyed it and eat some bacon and from Kim my friend.

Have some Cheese.

Till next time....


A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now