A English girl in America : faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.

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Hii x Oh my god I can't belive how many people like this I got another 13 fans. Oh my god x

I'm gonna be bitchy and put a rate on it.

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0r no next chapter

Mwahahaha I'm evil but come on guys that's EASY! X


me: hi chase so you got dinner with Ari

chase: - mumbles under breath- well you'll have to find out in the chapter then!

me: tell me now dumb ass

chase: fuck you


Chase: - laughs -

- slaps chase-

me: you asshole!

---- end of interview-------

Chapter 7

-------- there's happy slaps then bitch slaps then... Ari slaps-------

I was pretty much dragged inside and shoved into a strapless peachy dress. Oh my god peach ewwwwwww!

I plastered on a fake smile but really wanted to cry on the inside .

" I can't believe Chasen never brought you around before well you must have a lot of fun" * wink wink*

( oh shit sex talk!)

" just as long as it's safe darling I mean your plenty old enough haha I lost my innocence. At 14 haha."

she chirped.

" uuurrrrr... Yeh course I don't not carry a condom or a spare pill who knows when yourll need one." I squirmed. Please god I thought if you love me kill me now. Or help me leave and never come back. Right that second I heard a car pull up in the ummm.. The drive. I was about to walk over to the window to see who it was but Chase's mum pulled me back.

" don't worry it's only Chasen he'll be up here soon!" she exclaimed.

10 minutes later

" done" squealed Chase's mum . Oh my god is she a bird. Cheap, cheap. I ran downstairs and saw chase I punched him round the head and her turned towards me anger clear in his beautiful violet ey.... What the he'll beautiful oh god I need help.

" hello princess coming to dinner are you?" he asked, " you look stunning!"

I went to question him further but he gave me not now, later looks so I let it slide. God dammit I wanna go home. He looped my arm with his and walked me out of the house and towards a black porche and all I wanted to do was run. I got in the passenger seat while his mum sat in the backseat. I picked up a peice of paper and looked for a pen. When I realised there wasn't one here I picked up my purple nail varnish and wrote on the paper with that.

WTF! I screamed in writing

Look I'm sorry but mum has to think your my gf so shell stay off my back he wrote back.

So what i gotta do :-/

Look I'll give you new moon the pre realease Dvd he replied ( in writing)

Hmmmm ok...

Just pretend to be my gf

Ummmmmmmm ok bf hahaha

stop fkkin laughing biatch

fuck you chase

And we drove to Le Antondette Reastaurant. Were all the fun began.

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now