A English girl in America : Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hello Maacho,

my sister is a silly mooey she thought Avriello Meatball meant T Shirt in Italian... Ok?

So guys I've been killing myself to write another chapter. But I really want to post another chapter of midnight moonbeams as it's only 12 chapters and guys please read my other book..

Getting Dead...

It's about a family who go to a circus and suddenly start disappearing in the end only Katie the eldest daughter is left. But will she stay on earth or go to her family...

Ok there's not alot of info but hey it was a actual dream from last night. I wrote it down and hey presto another book is on the way.

I know once you get into a book it's hard to get out ohhh yeh I wanna do some thankyou's and advertisements for others books. If you want yours here just message me.


1. Lylia353 her book is

The Unatural life of a not so average girl.

2. Oxizzy her book is

The Chosen

3. Canse12 her book is

Dinner with a vampire did I mention I'm vegeterian.

4. Miss-b ( my dear school friend amy)

My Daddys little lies

Before I forget 5. MissCRiddle hers is called. Pure Venom Ok x

So guys I'd recommend these books and if you want your book advertised before every chapter just

message me on my profile page and I'll gladly oblige but only a maximum of 6 a week so get it in quick!!!

Ok Well here's a quick Snippet of that night from dinner to bed. I was going to just do advert thinggy but cos I nice I'll do a snippet. Mwaahhaaaahaaa x

--- quick interview with Ari-----______

Ari: Hell no am I sharing a tent with.. With CHASE!

Me: Hunni u do what I tell u too now get out there and follow my words or get kicked outta the story.

Ari: Fine , I hate you boss!!!

Me: ( sarcastic smile) haha love you two haha

* Ari storms out*

Me: * Turns to audience* Guys it's tough love!! These guys can crack me up or wind me up! LOL!!

O. O

End of interview----------_____-----

Start of Chapter------

Quick Snippet Chapter----

Chapter 20--- ( very short soorry !!)

" Mmmmm Yummm" I soothed eating a delicious Bacon Butty with Chips while Chase had a campfire made Hamburger.

" You enjoying that.." smirked Chase. I guess he expects me to say no so instead I'll ...

" Yeees Yeees it's gorgeous Mmmmm" I purred. And looking down Errrk he pitched a tent not just a tent but a family of fat sized 6 person tent. Ooowweeeee that thing looks scary.

" Oooh Shiit!!" Chase murmered. And went to turn to get another roll. Haha let's tease him.

I crawled over to him and crawled onto his lap.

" Heyy what the ooohh mmmmmm yeeh!" Chase whispered.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt his dick on the inside of my thigh. This feels strange . But it's part of the game I reached down and massaged it with my hand and he moaned loudly. I kissed down his jaw and too the crick of his neck and licked it softly and he moaned louder and I straddled him too the floor. He brought his face close too mine and went to kiss me. Just before his lips met mine I jumped backwards.

" Eeeewww PERVERT!! " I chuckled. And he looked mighty angry.

" Ha you little teasing minx well now we'll see he lunged at me knocking me too the ground with a oomph!!

" ooooow asshole get off me!" I screetched into his ear. He cringed but did nothing.

He bent his head down and caught the bottom of my top between his teeth. God no!! He pulled it easily over my head exposing my breasts. He smiled at them and bent his head down and started licking them. I can't Moan I repeated to myself but damn... This felt sooo good make him stop no don't get him off I screamed mentally too myself. I ended up kicking him in the stomach and storming into the tent. Oh god one sleeping bag just perfect. I smiled sarcastically. I creaked through the under-tent leaves and stones and creaked into the sleeping bag.

1/2 hour later---

I still can't sleep I don't know why. Just at that moment Chase comes paradding in with swagga to the max. Jerk! And he climbs into the opposite side of the sleeping bag. I pretend to close my eyes and be asleep. Chase turned towards me and wrapped a toned slightly muscualer arm around me. And I must admit it feels nice. I lean into it sub consioursly. And he nuzzles his head into my hair and whispers into my ear.

" Love you Ari"

end of chapter--------

maybe it wasnt soo short I got a lil bit carried away LOL!!!

Till next time...

Goodbye x

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now