A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Ok guys, I having been well of late . And I had some horrible people in my life. Who I've now got rid off.It was putting my mind on blank. But I'm tired of girls who are up themselves. They really annoy me. I have horrible Chav girls at my school. And it infuriates me with their lack of eticute. And furthermore something they are lacking as simple as manners. People of this age are so infuriatingly rude that it robs me of words.

Anyway. Before I lecture you all. I shall begin the chapter.

Chapter 31:

"Night this is the end."

Those words shook me. Shook me to my core. I have no idea why. They just frightened me. As I read Minapple by Lauren Rugerr. About a girl who finds out about Vampires and is forced to be in a life with them. I put the book down and reached for my iPod. I played Paramore The Only Exception and mimed the words , lied back on my bed and placed my hands above my head and settled into my pillows. I felt a nudge on my bed and instantly opened my eyes to see Chase leaning over me, hands either side of me. I opened my mouth and he said something I couldn't hear over the music . I said a loud WHAT and he chuckled.. I think he did from what I could tell. He smirked at me and removed the earphones from my ears then leaned down and blew in my ear and I squirmed and we both went tumbling of the bed. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. His were sparkling a beautiful silver colour that inticed me and I felt like I was swimming in them. I closed my eyes as he leant down to kiss me with his soft lips and they lightly ever so softly touched mine. When.......

Briinnggg Briinnggg Briinnggg hello hello hello danga danga Black eyed peas Telephone came on and instantly we pulled apart , I blushed madly. And pulled myself up by the covers next to me. I pushed my now unruly hair down, and straightened wrinkled clothes. I looked at Chase who was now smirking at me.

" Lets go to the Mall and buy you something to wear tonight" He laughed.

" Hey my clothes are fine and WHERE are we going?" I asked.

" Why to dinner... Actually." He charmingly repled

" Who said that I'll go to dinner with YOU!" I exclaimed while trying to fight a smile but failed miserably. And he just smirked, and walked out of the door to which I followed him down the stairs, I grabbed my faux leather jacket from the coat hook. And ran outside and jumped into the now rootless Corschei and Chase drove into the road.

" Buckle up!" He shouted over the roar of the car.

Fifteen minutes later....

"Ok Now outta my car." Chase chuckled.And I jumped over the car door and over to the pavement while Chase opened his door and walked over to me. I grasped his hand and dragged him halfly into Calliin Mall. And through the large modern White sliding doors. And ran into Dorothy Perkins with Chase trailing behind laughing lightly at my excitment. I scanned the shop and saw a gorgeous black and purple one shouldered dress I gasped and ran towards it. When suddenly someone grasped it at the same time as me. I gasped profoundly and tryed to tench it back. I looked up to see a tall girl with dark Brown hair, hazel coloured eyes and a heavy tan staring angrily at me. I heard a gasp from behind me. And turned to see Chase staring at this girl.

" Demi is that YOU!" Chase exclaimed. And the girl instantly let go of the dress. And charged at Chase and kissed him full on the mouth. Chase pushed her away gently then looked into her eyes and kissed her again. I gasped loudly and dropped the dress and ran out of the shop. Out of the front Mall doors and ran past the Mall carpark. Down the road and ran across a empty motorway and into a field of dead cabbages and fell to the ground and cryed my eyes out. I stayed there for what seemed like hours. Till I heard someone calling my name.

I turned to see Chase running towards me. He stood before me , picked me up and cradled me in his arms like a adult would a child. Or to a wounded animal. I cryed into his chest and he lyed me down on his car seat and knelt before me.

" I have something to tell you" He confessed and sat next to me and put a arm around my hunching shoulders.


Thanks as always for Reading.



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All the usual. And now I'm going to watch Vampire diaries then True blood. Ok bye x

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now