A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hii guys oh my god is Ariella oookkkaay! I'm so worried but the thing is I control her fate. They are my puppets while me the puppet master. Mwahhaha!!!

Ok guys u know I'm too nice for that evil crap


------ Interview with Matt--------

M: oh god no I heard about Selectra hurting Ari. She wil play!!

Me: it's horrible I'll kill Selectra metaphorically though!!

M: she's horrible

me: don't worry the fans will help you through it!? X

------- end of interview-------------

Okally dokelly guys here is our next chapter.

And quick tip:

This may be a old saying but don't judge a book by it's cover. That includes EVERYONE...

Chapter 11:

----- Dream--------

I saw Chase lying next to me. He smiled a beautiful smile at me taking my breath away. He leaned forward and kissed me. It felt like I was on fire. I clung to him with all my strength. I dug my nails into hid back and he moaned. He licked my upper lip and I gave him full access. His Tongue ventured every nook and cranny . I moaned at his touch and grinder my hips against him.

I reached for his top which he gladly took off. Showering me with the radiant glow of his perfect skin. It was perfectly tanned and it's touch made me shudder. I broke apart our lips to breath but he only moved his mouth to the base of my neck , his lips going up and down. The utter tenderness made my eyes roll back.

He reached under my top and craddled my breast I shivvered in pleasure. I ran my fingers through his hair pulling him closer. Our lips grazed against eachothet when suddenly...

Chase starting floating through the air up into the sky. And I heard a load voice.

" Damn it Ari wake the hell up!" a voice boomed in my ear. My eyes shot open and saw Chase leaning over me a smirk now on his flawless lips. Huh... Oh well I can't help it!!

" knew the shock tactic would work" shouted Chase turning around. I sat up and realised my whole family and Chase's mum were sitting on the couch/setee/sofa .

They all smiled at me and my mother came over for a hug.

" Darling as soon as we heard you were Hirt we rushed over from England to see you!" exclaimed my mother.

" Oh my lil petal how are you." said my farther soothingly.

" Uuurrrrr I'm ok guys but what happened?" I asked my voice still slightly croaky and I wiped the tony shards of sleet from my eyes.

" Darling it's ummm not something to discuss now.." whispered my mother in a worried voice.

I looked over at Chase who now looked in pain then his eyes met mine and tears escaped my eyes at the sadness behind his....

Oh my god 3 chapters un one day I no they say not to rush it but I just can't help it. If I get a idea I have to write it. Anyway remember...



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