A English girl in America : faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.

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Heey guys x Shout out to retro3_8 or like that x Soz x

Oxizzy love u giirl x

MissCriddle the girl who can lighhteb yhur mood with a flash of her magic wand.

Guyys u rock my writinng world x It u guys who I need so please vote and comment and I'll love u as friends forever .

--------- Interview with Ari's mum--------------

Julie: Why do they seem unhappy I thought they loved eachother but it irrevocable now no way out.

Me: What!!

Julie: Well if they back out they'll get put in jail as it is a law abided marriage.

Me: Oh My God!!!!!

------- End of Interview---------------

Ok thanks guys x

Chapter 14:


Arranged Marriage" she shied away from me.

"WHAT!!!!!!!" Me and Chase shouted at the same time.

Godammit what a shitty day!!!!

Recap over:

I ran from the room angry tears forming in my eyes. I ran up the stairs, into my room and bawled my eyes out on my bed.

" No , No , No!" I screamed into my pillow.

I heard the door creak open and saw my dad standing in the doorway. He came over and sat me on his lap and cuddled me.

" Poppet don't worry you love him right so it'll all be fine there's no worry of breaking up ever no heartbreak ever!!! " he whispered into my ear and I shrunk into his lap. I finally stopped crying and dad layed me down on my velvety smooth covers and pulled them over me.

2 hours later...

I felt someone nudging me awake and I gingerly opened my heavy eyes.

I screamed.......

" Where the hell am I!" I screamed thrashing around.

" YOUR in OUR fucking house!!" shouted back Chase anger pure in white rage in his voice.

I looked around and saw him sitting down on the floor , back against the wall on the opposite side of the room. I think we was in the living room but there was no furniture. Huh

" Where the..?" I started but Chase cut me off.

" Its ... It's coming tommorow I uuuh think? " he stated questionly.

" ok I gootaaa massive headache I'm cream crackered " I replied.

" What The Fuck does that mean!? Stupid British stuff." he shouted.

" Shut up The British made AMERICA!!" I shouted back in utter furiosity.

" Whatever " he answered . Asshole!!

" Okkaaay I want to go to bed and that is where?" I politely asked but with a small hint of venom in my voice.

" Oooh yeh." he answered with a cocky grin.

" We're gonna share a bed!!!"

Oh my god Heeelllllllll no!!!!!

End of Chapter.

Bye lovee u guys x



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Love u all x u make my day x

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