A English girl in America : faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.

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Hii guys I was completely overcome with joy at your wonderful comments . In some chapters there is less description than others but there will always be some.

Thankyou guys sooooo much. You've made my day x

------------- interview with Ariella----------------------------------

Ari: Oh my god!!! I cannot believe what just happened.!!

Me: Me neither!!!

Ari: I don't know what to do helppp me!!

Me: Ari choose your own path I will guide you but I cannot force your decisions they must be made on your own accord.

------------------------end of interview--------------------------

please guys comment and vote!!!!! Become a fan too x and I'll love uuuuuuu x

Chapter 11:

Oh my god!!!

What did I just do!! I just snuggled up to Chase... Chase the school player





Chase isn't a guy I would like. I like sensitive guys, kind guys , guys like.... Like.... Well Matt.

Good maybe I'll just go out with Matt it'll get rid of these horrible... I think feelings for Chase.

I didn't realise I'd zoned out till i heard the clatter of the fafteria door next to me . I dug my fingers into the cracks in the walls to stop myself falling. I turned and saw Selectra standing there. Anger pure on her face.

" how DARE you!" she screamed at me.

" What the fuck are you talking about?" I screamed back.

" listen you lil whore!! Chase is mine now and forever not for a second class whore bitch like you he doesn't like virgin freaks like you who don't know pleasure if it hit you in the face!!" she snarled.

And I snapped.

I lunged at her my fingers like claws I scratched at her face. But I knew she was stronger she tackled me to the floor and sat on my stomach I struggled but she was fat as hell in her hips. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pocket knife and a camera she placed the knife near my cheek.

" Chase is mine!" she whispered in a bitter sweet voice.

She placed a hand over my mouth then lightly made a tiny insision near my ear. It may be tiny but it hurt like hell. I tried to scream but she muffled them. She reached for the camera but I got my hand too it and thrust it into her face I heard a jaw dropping crack and now blood was pouring down her face. She screatched and fell off me she threw a punch but I blocked it. I vaguely remembered my 6 weeks of karate lessons and blocked her attack. I hurled my fist at her face and heard more snaps and I cringed. She lunged at me but I kicked her in the stomach and heard death cracks. I was then slammed over the head by her and her nails scratched at my arm. I screamed and collapsed. Just before I was pulled into darkness I saw Chase running towards me....

Oh my god!!! I was in a weird mood so I decided to do a fight between two girls.

Hey everyone loves a fight riiiiighhht x

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now