A English girl in America : Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Oh my fricken chicken god!! I forgot my idea!!! I've spentt 3 hours trying to remember and yes I now remember but trust me I scared the he'll out of myself. Scarry!!

And hoky Poky Artichoky I have over a 100 fans I remember my first


I was and still am Obsessed with her book Chosen by a Vampire

not saying who but I'm chuffed to bits my fav author accepted me on Facebook x

Yeh now I'm cool x Never too cool for my posse of Rock n rolls fans yehh !! We are the Katie Posse ( omfg lame name what was I thinking)

I was trying to find some decent music in my Cds for next chapter but all I found was Kylie!! Look I love Kylie Aussie Pants to bits she's amazing but I want moody not Chirpy x But hey I need a new lot of Cd's Haha imma loser x But Wattpad needs a loser like me I think?!

So shall we get on with the Chapter and enough of my Nattering. Even though I'm crazy and I like Cheese and Ham!!!

I went fishing all weekend and caught nothing!!! Omfg I now am pissed at Carp

Mirror and Common Carp where the hell are you in my life .

( slaps myself) ok get on with it Katie or they'll leave.

Ok x hehehe I'm giggling x

Chapter ( whatevva last one was ) 27

I watched Chase as his face fell and a scared look came upon his face. He looked Child- like.. Innocent.

My eyes started forming small tears at his utter fear of what was about to come. I took both or of what I could fit of his hands in mine and squeezed them lightly.

" Chase You can tell me I.. I swear I'll take it to the grave." I knew his secrets were about to come out. I metaphorically put on a front of bravery I didn't want to look weak in front of him.

" Ari Ive needed to tell you this.. For a while ... You're... Grandmother...." He stuttered out through tears that seemed to engulf his words. I stared into his eyes they looked beautiful like jewels , they sparkled like stardust , His perfection captured me. I felt so small next to him. I felt.. I felt something.. Like .. I .. I cared for him.. I half convinced myself.. But those words seemed only part of the picture not even a quarter of a master plan. Not even complete.. Far from it. I felt tears were not enough I felt Raw like my insides were twisted.. I. I couldn't breath.

I looked at Chase for where he was a second ago he was now slumped .. His head on the table.. His arms flayling beside him. He looked like a broken doll. Whatt.. Whatt!! I felt myself going into htsterics my body shaking like a feather in the wind. I fell to the floor in a heap. I pushed my now heavy limbs up and half crawled into the hallway. I held onto the wall and pulled myself up the stone Slabs. My nails digging into the hinges , nooks and crannys. I pushed my hand out and grasped the phone reciever from the wall phone and slowly out stretched my fingers and dialled 999.

" Hello You have reached Emergency units what Reciept would you like, fire-fighter, ambulance or police station?" said a Calm women voice from the other end.

" Ambulancee ..." My voice cracked. " M.. My boyfr...uhh.fiancé collapsed."

" Ok address?" The womens voice still calm and tranquil.

" 13 Lovers Lane.." I whispered.

" Ok Emergency surfaces will be withyou shortly." Finished the woman. And she hung up. I slammed the reciever back on and slowly walked back into the room. Chase was still slumbed. I slowly shuffled over and grabbed him by his shoulders. I attempted to pull him half effort. And god he was heavy. My arms buckled and he fell back down . That's gonna hurt.

I wrapped my arms around him tightly and pulled with all my strength and he budged from the chair. I dragged him to the Sete (sofa) and layed him down gently. My arms ached from his weight I mean for a male he wasn't fat or anything he was just 'guy' heavy. But even that hurt. I dramatically fell to the floor and dragged myself to the corner of the room and brought my knees to my chest. I cried into my jeans.

* Nock Nock*

I heard knocking but couldn't bring myself to get up. I fell on my side and I felt arms around me I looked up and a man in White and blue was carrying me. I felt something caress my cheek and I smelt Fresh Apple pie. Arrrrrr my whole body went limb it was my grandmothers pie. She was famous for them. I felt myself jolt and then heard a roaring around me. I looked around and sure enough I was in a ambulance. I looked up and Chase was in a stretcher . His face looked pained and in stress. I pulled myself up and Gently Caressed his cheek. I wiped away the remaining tears on his face . And I sat down beside him.

What did I feel him as....

Foe.. No

Friend.. Further

Love.. At a push Well it didn't sound a strong enough word. I felt.. Devotion , Love, Protectivness , Care, , Lust, More than everything Love. I felt Love. I never thought I could Love anyone. I thought I would be alone forever . That was my plan. To be independant.

I love Chase. I LOVE CHASE!


Ok you think that's the end.

Far from it. I never give up. Not until I'm dead. I just can't do it. To emotional. It seems nice she's finally realised. But trust me that's not gonna be the end. Next Chapter will show so many sides of Ari. I cried in this chapter. Truly I Cried. WTF I never cry!! But it was too Sad Happy Loving.

This Chapter is Bi- Opular!!!

But you love me for it xxx

Love you Katie Posse x

My fans are my dream makers. You make my dreams a reality.

You inspire me.

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now