A English girl in America : faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen .

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Hii so how u guys soz me n chase fight I'm not the one who's so annoying agggh!

Lol I'm crazy x anyway I hope u guys like my book x

Thankyou so much I love you all!!!!




Me: u so sad chase u gotta have a pretend girlfriend!!!

Chase: well babe comfort me then.

Me: Sicko friikkin pervert!

Chase: please....!

Me: Hell noooooo!!!

--- End of Interview-----------

Chapter 8

------ Dinner with condom family--------

We pulled into the carpark and I put my hand out to the door. But soon enough Chase was there and opened the door for me. He pulled me out and he gave me a sarcastic smile and all I wanted to do was slap that smile off his face. What I wouldn't door for a handbag with a brick in it.We entered the entrance. It was buitiful with paintings everywhere and floral decorations. I clenched my hand on his hand squeezing the hell outta it. He didn't even wince he just squeezed back harder

" oooowwwww! " I shouted.

Everyone in the restaurant turned and glared at me. Shit! But all thank god chase's mum was too engrossed with talking to some guy in his twenties to notice my shout.

" your table is ready, please come this way" said a posh man with a slither of grey hair on his pasty forehead. Ugh total ickyness he sooo screams soon to go bald!

He lead us to a medium sized table fit for four I sat then Chase sat next to me and his mother infront. A hot waiter came to our table and asked our order.

" what if I want something not on the menu?" I purred.

" then I'll just get it for you" he said in a smooth Chicago type voice. I liked it but realised how completely off it sounded next to Chase's silky smooth Californian voice that I yearned fo....

No fucking way. Damn girl get a grip I Mentally scolded myself.

We had our starter then chase exused himself to the bathroom.

" so how the sex life?" squeaker chases mum. Woaaah what sex life omg crazy lady.

". Urrrrrrr fine yeh cool!" I stuttered completely taken aback.

" well darling here something to keep safe ." she rummaged through her bag and handed me a condom. Oh my fucking god! What the hell!!

Chase finally came back after 5 minutes and laughed at my scared look. And after the 2 nd meal we left. And got into the car.

" what she do?" he asked. I handed him the condom and he roared in laughter literally shaking. I squealed and He hugged me and Ioved away to which he chuckled. We finally reached my house.

" maybe we could use it later ?" he purred seductively.

" in your dreams babe" I purred back.

" yeh you my fantasy babbyyyy" he purred again. God he's a cat. Haha.

" good luck with that." I replied and shut the door. I ran to my apartment , shit the door, and stripped outta the dress. I stretched my aching muscles and climbed into bed. Falling into a deep sleep.

With fear of what tommorow shall hold!

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now