A English girl in America : faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen .

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Hii x I am amazed I put up last chapter and got 66 reads overnight oh my god !!!

I only god one word well two lol


so so so much I am so touched at how lovely you guys are, well here we go.



Chase: ha that bitch got served and oxizzy she got served

me: damn no you got served chase oowwwwch u got owned.

Chase : whateva like I care bitch

me: u so immature

chase: nah babe every part of me extra size

me: ha you called yourself far dude

chase: dam hell no I meant my manhoo ( punches chase in the face)

me: that's from ari for kissing her plaaayyyaaaaa x

LOL xxx

Chapter 6

------- Pokking at my leg-----------

I drove around the city for about 10 minutes till I realised I had no idea where Chase lived . Fuck!

I picked up my mobile from the glove department and dialled Mari's number .

" Hi Mari uhhh.. Ummm.... You know where chase lives by any chance." I whispered down the line.

" hahaha oh my god your his new whore oooohh myyy g..."

I cut her off suddenly.

" fuck! I'm not his fucking whore I'm gonna teach him not to mess with me!" I screamed the line.

" oohh ohhh ummmm he lives at 13 lovers lane. Ironic huh" she chuckled.

" yeh yeh well ummm thankyou Mari I'll see you tommorow." I replied hastily and said a quick by and hung up. I raced to Lovers lane confused at my hurridness I slowed down considerably slower .

I parked and started walking to his house. I walked up the pretty gravel path and knocked on the large oak door. I knocked lightly and the door opened to produce a pretty red head lady in a sparkly blue mini dress. She smiled warmly at me and stepped towards me.

" well hello you must be the beautiful Ari that my son talks about in his sleep" she smiled .

" he what he he talks about me in his sleep" I stuttered absouletely flabbergasted. ( haha flabbergasted )

" well you must come to dinner with us tonight you will love it and so will Chasen ."

" I umm I can't I umm gotta go." I turned to leave but was gently pulled backwards from my arm.

" no I insist any girlfriend of chase is a daughter to me" she chuckled and pulled me in.

Oh my god!!! Dinner with Chase and his family, damn maybe revenge isn't so damn sweet.

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now