A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.

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Oooooh my god I loove u guys x I got over 60 fans oh my god!! X

But please guys read Midnight Moonbeams too cos I try just as hard with that book it is the original !!!

Again thankyou sooo much x And...



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Pweeeaase I need u guys awooooot x

:-) x

-----------Start of interview with Ari-----

Ari: God I feel sooo groggy

me: pooor babbbbyy!!!

Ari: no one will tell me what happened!

Me: Hmmmmm

Ari: Tell me all of the fans want to know too or we'll al kill u.

Me: Welll it is.........

------ End of interview----------

Guys help Haiti x

Ari says help

Daniel says help or he'll bite u x

Zoey says help or get holy water on ur asses!!

And Chase is Charming you to do it x

Chase: Coooome on guys if u help them then I'll help u I hope u no wat I meaaaan x

me: omg freeky but u get the point haha x

Chapter 13:

I again awoke to feeling discustingly groggy and I gingerly moved my fingers and then opened my eyes. To see a light shined in them.

" fuuuuccckkkk ooooooow stoop it!" I screamed. And I heard a fast movement then saw people rushing in with what happened and who died WTF!

" This fuckzilla dildo giant fuckturding asss hole Chase put the light in my eye and I almost went fuukiin blind" I screeched.

" Oi watch your laungage ya lil popcorn chicken nunnty" a voice crooned in a thick cockney accent. I looked over and saw Oh my god!

Unnnnnccccle Roooonnnneeey!

" Uncle Rooonnnnneeeey" I screamed in happiness and I heard mum chuckle.

" Well Ariella your uncle Rooney was going to Louisiana yesterday for his new Tv show catch a Yankey Toad ( sorry Americans but u call us limeys so in my book yankeys x) and he heard about you so he came Down here" said mum in a cheery voice.

" oiiii Sue that's my story to tell Bumpkin Brains" joked uncle Rooney .

" tough luck Micky My favourite Micky mouse " chuckled mum and both her and Dad smiled at Uncle Rooney.

" so I eaar u go out with this eaar boy My Chassey mate " chuckled uncle rooney. He then turned to Chase. I'd be careful mate she's lethal cos she knows damn karate and she's crafty by that Mean Ttrrriiiiicccckkkky"

" I'll be sure to keep that in mind Sir" chuckled Chase.

" Uuuurr Chase what are you still doing here?" I questioned.

" Staying with you for your last day alive!" chuckled Chase.

" WHAT!!! How's that funny ass hole mother fukkin lollipop suckin toad hugging tree humper !" I screamed violently and went to lift my fist to punch him but felt a harsh pain in my wrist I flinched and looked down.


A damn Needle yuuuk! I was pushed down gently by Uncle Rooney.

" Sssshhhh lil ladette ya mum got somin ta say" he crooned.

" Yeh what mum what is it?" I asked.

" well I heard about you and chase together and I wanted to make sure my only daughter has a good life so me your dad and Chases parents have arranged a marriage for you!!" she shied from me.

"WHAT!!!!!!" me and Chase shouted at the same time.

God dammit what a shitty day!!!!!

Hahaha what a twist I made that last bit in about two minutes in a random thought. Well anyway .....



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Bye till next Chappie x

I love London x

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now