A English girl in America : Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Everyone I am officialy extremely proud of myself. That's sounds so very mediocre. But you see my life hasn't always been Chase's everywhere but I also had bitches in my life Sometimes it got so bad I thought is it worth it ..

I think it is

Chapter 25:

I couldn't tell Chase it all. When I explained it I rushed through it then blurting out something as mediocre as Lets get ready for school. There must be something I had delved into my depression before. I'd been on the verge of suicide. I had seen no way out. Nothing in the world mattered. Nothing could help me, I wanted to be rid of my personal hell of life. Was there a point , was it worth it. I was still stuck on that decision. I just put it to the back of my head. But the infecting, life threatening depression was spreading. I knew what it would do to my family. My grandmother had been my rock. My savior. But she had left me. She had left me in not just Depression but it had enhanced to Grief and Misery. But I would never blame her. I would never curse her wise old soul. For if there was a heaven. I wishes for her to reach it and be apart of it. And live in the paradise she deserved. I loved my grandmother.

I slowly put on a Violet sweater and some black skinny jeans then slipped on some purple sneakers. My grief was slipping over me again. I metaphorically shrugged it of. And slopped downstairs to the living room. Chase was sitting at the table hands covering his face I crept overinfront of him and slipped into the chair infront of him. I carefully placed my hand on top of his and pulled it gently from his face. His eyes were sparkling and starting to brim over with tears. I slowly stroked his face and wiped away the tears that were now starting to spill down his face.

" Chase are you ok..?" I asked.

" No... No ..Ari I.. I have a confession.." He whispered.

------------------- End----------

Ok Climax!!! Damn!! Don't worry it'll be Soon x

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now