A English girl in America : Faced with the school player:A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hiya Guys, So... Another chapter I was hitting myself to write it Yeh I know that means it won't last long but I just couldn't resist !! I was just to over excited I had to put it up I just had too !! I even planned it at school. And as I promised a shoutout to my friend from school.


And her books are really amazing she is a very smart girl and tried extremely hard. I'm getting loads of people at my school on Wattpad LOL!! Anyway go on HammyUK and check out. Ashleigh 's book.

So onto the next Chapter...

Let's get on to it .........

Here we goooooo....!!

Chapter 28: ( hope U like it .)

I lay my head gently on the hospital cafe table. I hated the smell of hospitals , they smelt of cleaned up death. The sanitizers and germ destroying odours wafted around the room making even the food taste bad as I bit into my large chocolate chip cookie. I slowly finished the cookie. I stood up and chucked the rapper into a blue hygeine bin. And walked out of the Large Cafe and into the long wide hallway, filled with pictures of former docters who had either retired or died. Well great. So death was everywhere. It just made my life that much better. Woopedyy Dooodaaa!!!

I pratically fell into the lift ( elevator) as I was leaning on the door reading the enscription on a painting and the doors opened and I stumbled through to the back. I jabbed the 3rd floor button and patiently waited for the doors to open.

*Doors Open*

I shuffled through the open doors and walked carefully up the hall and upto 301. I glided through the doors. I looked at Chase lying there his eyes now open but still looking dreary.

" Hi" He croaked his throat sore from sleeping .

" Hiya Hey guess what you can leave tommorow. "

" Thank Jesus I can't stand this Hell Hole"

" Ok... Anyway how about some food" I laughed.

" Mmmmmm... Yehh!" Chase Smirked. I picked up the reciever and dialled the Cafe downstairs.

" Oi Oi Oi get us some Chockie Cake up ere at Ronnie 301" I laughed.

" Yes Ma'm" A kind womans voice sounded from the other end.


A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now