A English girl in America : Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hiyyaa just a really quick chapter of bed time

Oooh lala considering I'm in bed writing this from my iPod . LOL!!!

Anyway hope u like it x

Interview ARI----------

Ari: OMG sharing a bed with CHASE!! Ooh good no!

Me: Us British girls are tough cookies u hold on mate!!

Ari: Yeh stay strong...

I think?

End of interview---------


Chapter 15:

Oh my god ! Yuk sharing a bed with Chase EWWW!!!

I looked at him and he looked like he wanted to jump me oh god what have I done!! He had that lust-y thing glittering in his perfect umm eyes WHAT! Perfect Nuuh uuuh his ugly revolting yukkyy eyes!!!

" Come on Ari I won't have it tonight with you." he laughed.

" WHAT!!! No hell not , not now, not EVER!" I screamed and jumped at him and we crashed on the floor on a ommph.

" Christ if u wanted me that bad u couldaa just said" smirker Chase.

Oh god I hate him and his perfec... Ugly eyes and lovel.., umm... Evil Smirk and his silky smoot... Discusting hair and tone.... Missshapen body.

What's happening to me.

I ran of him and what I believed to be the main staircase and into a room and crawled under the covers and violently shouted and cussed about Chase. Words little children should never hear.

Half a hour later still awake well half awake.

U felt someone slip under the covers I already knew it was Chase.

" don't Lay a hand on me if u value your life!" I murmered angrily and heard him chuckle.

But I felt a hand slip around my waist and pulling me to him. I went to move buy my body wouldn't move.

It was like it liked being in a embrace with Chase it felt like home warm cozy but sizzling with passionate energy.

What the fuck I'm going CRAZY!!!

End of chapter...

Do u like it x



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See u next Chappie x

Sweet dreams my buzzing bee's!!!! X :-)

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now