A English girl in America : Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.

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Hii how are you guys!!! I miss u all alot ur all sooo nice I'm gonna get my skype number up so u guys can call me and say what u like and suggestions but if I get insults then I will delete the number!

I'd like to thank you all very much for the support. And this chapter is dedicated to the people of Haiti.

Everyone donate. Save a child and feel good.

----------------chase---------------- Chase: I don't like that matt guy he seems bad news. Me: I dunno Chase maybe but give him a chance . Chase: Sorry babe that's not my style. Me: You asshole Chase: Thats why the fans love me I'm a baad asss boy!!! Me: Damn chase u dick ur sooo crude Chase: haa u can talk , talk bout my dick Me: aggghhhh!!! (. Chases Chaseintent on killing him!!!)

--------- End of Interview------------

We love him really. Just don't tell him I said that he'll wind me round the bend.

Chapter 11:

I walked into lunch and saw Matt. I walked over to him.

" Hey Matt come sit with me." i smiled.

" Yeeh cool." he replied slightly too enthusiastic for me but I stupidly ignored it. I turned onto a nearby but I heard my name being shouted.

" Heeeeey!!! Ari come sit with us" I heard a girls voice call me .

I turned to see a girl with dark blonde hair and was wearing a tight preppy pink shirt and had a warm smile. Matt nodded and we went to sit at the table. Matt sat on the other side of the table facing me and smiled. I turned to face the girl who had called me over.

" hi I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name?" I asked in a warm tone.

" oh yeh I'm Seletra. And I ummm...." she cut off and stared behind me in what could only be awe. I stared at her in confusion until I heard the chair next to me squeak I looked up and.





Well I was gonna finish there but naaah let's carry on cos I love u guys. And u love me!!


Chase was sitting next to me. What the fuck!!!

He smirker at me gawking and I scowled back.

He suddenly put his arm around me. I was just about to shrug it off when I realised how warm it felt and I suddenly shrugged into it. He gasped and pulled me tighter against him. My veins felt like they were spiked with adreniline. I sighed and suddenly felt his lips in my hair I found myself lighly shivvering.

' cough cough'

I suddenly realised what we were doing and sharply pulled away. Selectra was gaping and Matt was glaring more than daggers but utter swords at Chase. I felt sooo embarassed.

I ran from the room .

I crashed through the cafeteria door and leant against the nearest doorb.

What. The. Hell. Just. Happened !!!!!!!!!!!!

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now