A English girl in america: faced with the school player: a disaster waiting too happen.

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Hey this is short but I ain't gotta huge amount of time x

love u all x



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--------------- mystery guy-----------

me: heya dude

him: I love love love ari she's my world

me: uurrr ok.....

Him: I will make love under the sun with her!

Me: frikkin hell mate u obsessed

him- she'll be mine!!!

------- end of interview-------

chapter 10

I walked slowly into my next class trudging my feet on the old floors. I really didn't want to go in to English and pretend to be chase's girlfriend at this moment it repulsed to me. How some girl could ever put up with him I wonder!!!!

I soon realised how much trouble I'd be in for ditching class so I reluctently walked into the now noisy classroom. As soon as I walked in everyone stared. I closed myeyes In frustration and walked to the teachers desk.

" late arialla I see well then here your late slip" murmered mrs golddii

" heelllll no!" I shouted which shut everyone up.

Mrs goldii stood up.

" you child go sit at your desk next to Anderson !" she bellowed god she's alreadinh boring she can't even put up a arguement but I was already in too much of a shitty mood to really care. I plonked onto my seat and crossed my legs .

" hello I'm Mathew Anderson or just call me Matt." a polite voice from next to me chimed. I looked up and saw a nice looking boy. He had light brown hair and chocolate eyes they seemed warm.

" hello Matt I'm Ariella nice to meet you." I smiled at him and held out my hand for him to shake , for which he did eargerly. I looked over at Chase and saw he was glaring at Matt god they are some kinda evils. If looks could kill popped into my head.

Throughout English me and Matt talked I learned he liked baseball and playing badmington or tennis, he had two older brothers he had a dog called Louigii, i chuckled at that. He seemed a nice guy. I told him what it was like in England. The pretty flowers, the perfect snow in winter. I didn't like discussing. Too much so I only gave him the basics. After I said goodbye and started to leave when something thrust me up again a wall. I looked up and saw chase.

" hi hooneeyy" he purred and I mentally shivvered not in fear but in something else...

" how were u?" he asked

" getoof me Chase.... Like now" I scorned.

" fine but remember your still my girlfriend" he said angrily.

" it's only pretend Chaseey boy" I whispered and stormed out of hall. Just as I left I swore I heard him chuckle.

Damn you Chase!!!

Haha I loove writing x




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