A English girl in America : Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hello every human vampire freeky person prep emo and inbetweens haha that's me !

Anyway yey there will be more posts as it school holiday so one every day is about 7 new chapters wooh!!!

I really hope that u are enjoying the books but I'm slightly confused as I have 69 fans but only 5 votes last chapter but I guess it's the waiting game for me lol x

I really hate it when there is a goal for votes or no new chapter I did it a while ago and I felt so guiltyfor it so HOPEFULLY never again only in desperate need!!! Soo vooote!!!

I love u guys alot you make my day mentally you brighten my hour with your lovely comments and guess what when I started Wattpad I just turner 12 and ok now 13 OMG! Soo strange over a year on here woopie do daaar!!!

Ok I'm nattering abit tooo much so let's get on with the story.

Shall we...

Interview with Chase---

Chase: Hey Katie

Me: hiyya Chase ( note to fans when I said he's not I really meant phwwooaaah!!)

Chase: Arranged marriage my Ass I cannot believe it!!

Me: Yeh but it's your fault

Chase: Yeh kinda but I liked thinking I didn't have to sleep around to be popular I liked being a steady guy with a hot girl and gooodd!! I love her accent it's so british and sexxy!!

Me: Uuur ok....

Chase: Well British accents are sexy

Right fans!?

End of interview------------

Wooo number 15: Allaaaa luuuiaaa x my version x haha x

Chapter 15:

I slowly opened my eyes and felt acwarm breeze on my face it smelt like fresh mint but it swirled around me. I was so absorbed in it I failed to notice what was infront of me.

Chase's face!!!

He was breathing in my face!!!!

" Aaaagggghhhhhh!!!" I screamed. And Chase shot up.

" What, what happened !!" he blurted then turned to me. " You BITCH!!! Why'd you do that!!"

" Ha Chase your Face hhaaaaa!! And by calling me a bitch Fuuucckkk YOU!!" I screamed.

" Yees please" Chase purred.

" Aaagghhh you frickken pervert agghh!!!" I screached and sat up.

" Well I'm going for breakfast bye my Loud Parrot!!" Chase chuckled.

" Dont call me a parrot !! Not my fault you got a 1 inch wonder" I retorted.

"' Heeey!! That's not true and I can prove it." he went to pull down his shorts.

" Hell no and whatevaaaa inchy" I laughed.

" Ok Parrot see you downstairs Blleh" he stuck out his tongue and ran from the room. Muttering One heck of a wife and what am I doing.

What a weirdo.

I got out of bed and and started to make my way to what I supposed was my closet. I opened the doors and ..

Damn it was Chase's

Well as long as I'm here I might as well snoop around a bit.

I emptied the draws I found pants and socks but at the bottom there was condoms yuuk! Probably from his mum. Then underneath a picture of four people. Two I knew who were Chase and his mom and the other two was a man who looked exactly like Chase but with a tinge of grey in his hair and a older face but still incredibly handsome. Then a little girl with bouncy brunnete locks and the same beautiful coloured eyes as Chase.


But before I could contemplate more on this discovery I was rudely interrupted by the asshole himself.


" Heey!! Hurry up , up there!!! " he shouted.

I quickly put the picture back in and ran to my wardrobe / closet. I took out a Minnie mouse t shirt and some electric blue skinny jeans then some silver sneakers ( awe trainers) and dashed on some pink eye shadow and a quick slip of pink lipgloss and ran a brush through my hair de tangling it and slipped in a black hairband .

Arrr perfect.

I pranced out of the room and down the marble stairs and noticed the fine carvings in it of cherubs and roses and the fitted carpet blood red in the middle of the stairs. I looked up and the high ceiling and saw a circular skylight with a border of more cherubs and roses and a golden and red difficult design all over the ceiling and I noticed how Incredibly beautiful this house really was.

I skipped into the kitchen and saw chase sitting at the large oak table sipping orange juice and crunching on wheatabix. I skipped over to the cuboard. I couldn't reach the top shelf so I climbed onto the black marble surface and picked out a cookie crisp breakfast bar. I went to get down when hands enveloped around my waist then spun me of the kitchen side and around in circles. I started giggling like heck.

" Arrrr Chase put me down!" I giggled.

" Not a chance." grinned Chase.

" Please I feel siick!" I lied and faked gagged.

" Fine but only cos I don't want puke all over me and the kitchen." he laughed and sat me on a chair. I nibbled my breakfast bar carefully.

" Soooo get your coat babe " Blurted Chase.

" Ummm why?" I questioner and Chase smirked.

" Ooh yeh cos we're going Camping." he smirked.

" WHAT!!!" I screamed.

End of Chapter!!!---------------

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Till next chapter.


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