A Englisg girl in America: Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hii what's up guys I mean wow two posts in one day I should get a medal. Anyway...

Chase: I know that Ariella wants me.

Me: dipshit you felt her up that's kinda pervy!

Chase: like I care she's just another whore , she's just at my dissposal!

Me: you asshole

Chase: you love me really.

Me: hmm I think bout that ...

---------End of Interview-------

Chapter 3


I proudly walked into my next class, which my science I scanned the room and was thouroly relieved to see Chase was not in this class. I sat on the nearest empty seat and doodled on the back of my notebook until I heard a tinkly voice from next to me.

" hi your the new kid Ari right, well I'm Marita Chancely but you can call me Mari"

I looked at her and smiled. She was the perfect picture of a friend. She had chocolate coloured hair in a neat bob and choclate eyes too match. She looked completely ordinary but with a glow of what could only be happiness.

" Uhhh.. Yeh I'm Ari, I just moved here from England and Uhh.. Nice to meet you Mari." I relied warmly this girl seemed nice enough.

" Well I'd love to be friends" Mari Smiled.

"Yeh I'd like that." I replied.

As soon as the lesson was over Mari led me to a hall to which I could only guess it being the lunch room umm... Cafeteria yeh that's it. I walked up to the que and bought a chocolate mini cake, orange squash carton and a small tub of icecream. Mari motioned for me too sit at the table near her and I sat between her and another blonde haired boy.

" Heya I'm Mark and your Ari I am right yes" it was less a question and more of a statement so I just smiled. And he immediatly smiled back. I noticed how pretty his emerald green eyes were. They looked like jewels had been planted into his eye sockets. I was about to reply to him when I heard a squeak from the opposite side of the table and looked up. Only to be confronted with the face of none other than the prick Chase.

" hey mark how's it going buddy" Chase said to Mark.

" Alright man, just talking to Ari, oh Ari this is Chase" Mark replied.

" we've met... Unfortunatly!" I retorted venom again visible in my voice.

To my retort Chase laughed humoursly and began chatting to the nearest Barbie doll lookalike. ( a/n I know I'm blonde n blue eyes but I'm no Barbie :-). )

But he quickly grew tired of her. And turned to me.

" Well now I have the pleasure of talking to you I would like to know your type." Chase blurted. And smirked like a bloody Cheshire cat.

" Why I'm sorry but I'm not your whore on wheels like Barbie here so unfortunatly your not my type, so bonvoyage" I retorted savagly and left the room. I was walking down the hall when I was suddenly pinned to the wall by two extremely strong hands. And soon realized it wad Chase.

" Damn Chase are you stalking me that's so nor my type " I whispered with deliberate dramatics.

" Hmmm... You sure I'm not your type , maybe I can be" he whispered seductively in my ear while trying to slide his hand under my top, To which I kneed him in his crown jewels and he fell to the floor with a gasp.

" You bitch" he gasped still holding his balls in pain. I turned around and walked down the hall till I was at the end then turned to face him.

" Fuck you!" I shouted and quickly ran outside and go listen too some music in my car.

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now