A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hiii guys, here we go we are about too see or read about the famous Chase , and let me tell ya he's yummy . Well let's have a small interview with the heartthrob!

Me: Why hello Chase

Chase: *winks* hiya babe.

Me: well your confident ain't ya .

Chase: I gotta be cos everygirl wanting a price of me. Even you!.

Me: Nuh uuuh.

Chase: Uuh huh babe you want me.

Me: umm chase not really ! I'm too mucch for a guy like you * winks*

Chase: Is that a challenge...

Me: We'll see...

--------End of interview/-------

Chapter 2

-------Hot Jerk---------

Oh my frikkin god was he hot. He had perfect brown hair that wasn't long but wasn't short, it was just right.

And he had stunning violet coloured eyes that sparkled.....


Get a grip Ari! You don't even know this guy well yeh you know his name but that's it..

I was transported from my freely trance by whispers around me.

" she's fell for him already, poor girl"

" damn she's hot too bad shell be chase's new whore."

" there goes another girl falling for the player"

I looked at Chase who now had a cocky grin on his face. And I immediatly glared back at him. So he's the school player. Hmmm.. Well two can player the players game!!!

I gingerly sat down next to him and he brushed his hand over my leg.I went to pull it away but instead pulled it to my inner thigh and he immediatly pulled away and looked at me to say if I were crazy. But I just chuckled lightly. He then pulled my hand onto his lap and too grossed out I pulled away, to which he smirked. And I scolded myself mentally for letting him do that to me. Damn he's good.

" Well hello Ariella , what a beautiful name." he whispered trying to be charming and passing with flying colours. But I made myself angry when I spoke.

" it's Ari mate , don't get it wrong" I hissed with venom clearly visible in my voice, to which he again chuckled and immediatly noticed how musical it was. And how I longed to join such a pleasure. I completely ignored him for the remainder of the lesson even when he brushed his hand with mine and I felt sparks and then rushing of adreniline spiked electricity pass through my veins.

" Class you are dismissed." Mr Trevorn said loudly. And I clatter of chairs scraping the hard marble floor. I stood from my chair. When i was pulled backwards from my arm and was faced with none other than the hot dickhead Chase.

" hey babe meet me out back" he whispered in my ear seductively.

" not a chance.." I replied using the exact same tone as he had used. And I felt him momentarily freeze, obviously startled by my rejection towards him. What a jerk.

Before he could answer I ran from the room and smirked towards him. And made my way too my next class.

A/N: Just wanted too say thankyou so much for reading I love you guys. Again thanks xxx

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