A English girl in America : Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen

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Ahooyy!!! X Have a good holiday guys have you x Well here's about I make your night here's Chapter 21 a special chapter XxX

ok guys I hope you like it because it's taken me a while x So Thankyou very very much again many gladly loving friendly wishes to all off you my fans ( I hope:-).) So have a nice







Happy Days Ooh Happy Days x

Interview with Chase---------------

Chase: I love the forests it reminds me off..... ( secrets hmm...)

Me: What is it Tellll Meeee!!

Chase: Naaah babiiiii

Me: Asshole chicken fucker

Chase: Thats why you love me

Me: Yyyeeeh you keep thinking that... Haha

End Of Interview-------

Chapter 21:

I crept out of the tent and scuttled over to the log by the ready to make fire. I gingerly sat and realised it was slightly damp so I pulled my coat over my butt and tilted my head back and stared at the beautiful sky. The baby blues the creams , whites and violet tinges placed here and there. I understood how artists were breath taken as I was now of the perfect picture of our atmosphere but the sheer feriosity. I remembered my grandmotheres words to me two days before her death.

Good doesn't always come from light


Bad doesn't always come from darkness

I never fully understood but I saw her point about half way. I had loved her. She had been my rock when my mum and dad had arguements, when they hit eachother , when they threw glasses at eachother , when they acciedently threw them at me. That may be in the past but my Grandma protected me from it. Took me away for weekends. Called socialworkers. My mum and dad found love with eachother again they stopped fighting and bagan they're long road of love.

I missed Grandma her sweet scent, her beautiful silvery blonde hair which in a way like mine but mine further blonder. Her kind thoughtful voice. I missed her greatly she was my second mother in many many ways. And I still grieved for her even now.

From behind me I heard a crunching of leaves and turned around to see Chase smiling a cocky but slightly tired smile.

" How bout some breaakfaast." he yawned.

---- End of Chapter--------


Till next. Chapter

Goodbye x

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now