A English girl in America : Faced with the school player: A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hii Everyone,

Oh my god another Chapter you've got to be kidding me!

Well Yes another one. I'm that sad I have nothing else to do except write on Wattpad. Yup imma saddo. And proud of it. Cos my writing is my escape from reality.

So now camping is almost over yeh nothing happened but electricity is buzzing. So let's just get to it.

Shall we...

Chapter ( I forgot)

Start over:

Chapter 23:

" Come on Ari we gotta go move your ass out here now!" shouted Chase fron the car.

" Alright keep your man-whore pants on!" I angrily retorted.

I stuffed the rest of my underwear into my duffel bag then placed that in the ruck-sack. And made my way to the car. I roughly opened the boot door and squashed my rucksack in the boot. Then made my way to the frontnof the car and shuffled in. Chase looked at me and smirked.

" Parrot Pukey what's the matter" he faked pity.

" Piss of Bitch , now come on drive me home." I ordered.

" No I wanna make one quick stop!" He argued.

" Fine but not too long." I grudgingly replied. Squashing myself into the fake leather seats and breathing in their sweet fragrance. I closed my eyes and sung to myself in my head. And I felt myself drifting into a much welcomed sleep.


Did you really think I'm that cruel . It's got more.

" Hey Pukey Wake up Parroty up now" Someone shouted in my ear. And my eyes shot open. And I groaned and stretches out my arms. And something went smack .

" Oooww you hit me!" Shouted Chase looking fake hurt.

" You stupid Bleeh don't get in my way I CAN and WILL stretch." I laughed.

" Whatevaaa now come on" Chase ordered like a child. And picked me out of the car bridal style. And ran to what I believed to be a beach. He raced across the sand and up a large path till we were near a cliff. He settled me on the sand and took my hand and started dragging me while standing upright.

" Where're we going dipshit!" I exclaimed still slightly tired.

" My escape" Chase whispered.

Then we came up to a rock wall. And Chase motioned for me to start climbing and I dragged myself upwards till I came to a ridge. I peared over and saw a small rockpool about 10 foot deep. And silvery blue water that sparkled and saying about the Water sparkling so did the rocks. Huh?

" If your wondering about the rocks it's actually crystals reforming from the rocks." Chase proudly stated.

" Smarty Pants Boffin" I muttered. But Chase just chuckled darkly and started eyeing me up. His eyes were now dark with hate .. No kindness... No. Lust.... Maybe

And he charged towards me. Sending us both flying into the water.

I crashed beneath the clear water and swam upwards only to have myleg pulled down by Chase beneath me. I kicked him away. And he pulled me upwards by my waist.

We resurfaced.

Our faces were now inches apart. And we were looking into eachothers eyes. I swam in his beautiful eyes intrigued by their distinct colouring I drowned in them .

" Ariella I ... I .. Well I Uuh Lo.." Chase started but was cut of by a crack. I looked beside us and saw a boulder coming straight towards us from the cliff. Chase grasped me around the waist and dived onto the nearest patch of sand .

" Oh my god" I breathed.

" Fuck What the hell was that!" Chase gasped.

" Boulder... I think..." I said between heavy breaths.

" Well come on let's get back to the car." Chase Murmered.

And he carried me bridal style back to the car.


Thanks for reading x

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A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now