A English girl in America : Faced with the school player : A disaster waiting to happen.

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Hii x special shout out too Oxizzy the chapter was out for bout 10 seconds and she already got to it x


me: how're balls chase

chase: they fucking hurt * winces* want to check em for me .

Me: uuuh NO!

Chase: Your loss babe *winks*

* kicks chase in balls*

Chapter 4

--------- Sweet Kisses---------

I climbed inside my car and turned on the radio loudly and immediatly heard Girls can't touch Echo and I hummed lightly too the tune. I grabbed my extra blanket from the back seat and fell asleep to the soft tunes of Echo.

3 hours later......

I heard a rapid knocking from the passenger window and saw it was Mari , I reached across and unlocked the door, and she immediatly sat in the passenger seat then turned to face me.

" Where the hell have you Been we've been worrier you got kidnapped or something like that!" she yelled. Worry lines clearly in her tanned forehead.

" Hey I've been fine, I just took a break in my car for a while, no big deal," I replied drowsly sleep trying to overcome me.

" a break, no big deal, do you realise you've been gone 3 hours the schools going bloody mad for you" she hastily retorted worry still clear.

" awww shit" I replied still drowsy." I'll go tell em I'm fine.

I made my way out of the car and hastily towards the main building. When suddenly I was flung over someone's shoulder and carried to the nearby woodland. I was placed on the ground and saw it was Chase with a pained look on his face.

" What the Fu..." I was cut short when he suddenly crushed his lips too mine, I tried to protest but soon realized he was too strong so I joined the kiss. He nudged my lower lip with his tongue and I slowly granted him access, to which his tongue danced with mine. I went to deepen the kiss but he suddenly pulled away and started running. Just before he was out of distance I heard him shout.

" Now we're even!"

A English girl in America: Faced with the school player: a disaster waiting to happen.Where stories live. Discover now