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"I-It's not what it looks like, I swear!" She exclaimed, the expression on her face seemed so scared. Of course, she was using that vulnerable card. It was so cliché to use that in this sort of situation.

I saw what she did. I saw how she held onto him so dearly.

"Oh, so you weren't making out with Zenix, am I right?!" I shout back, tears swelling in my eyes.


"Don't 'baby' me. This is over."


It's been a month.

The thought ran through my mind over and over like a never ending train. Shaking my head, I could feel an emptiness in my chest, a hatred for love slowly brewing inside of me.

I ignored it.

Just pushed it aside.

The pain,

It's only supposed to be temporary, right?

You just have to wait for it to ease away sometimes, at this point, there's not a single thing I can do for myself but move on.

But sometimes that's the hardest part.

Azura may have hurt me, but I still loved her at the time, and I couldn't believe that I put my heart into something that was going to fall apart so messily.

I locked my car, throwing my backpack over my shoulder, and walked through the parking lot.

Never again would I love so stupidly,

Never again would I fall in love.


I look in the mirror in the boy's bathroom. I could see that my eyes were dull and sore from tears. I saw how it was being complemented by dark circles under them.


I have to ignore it, ignore the pain.

I sigh and go back to the cafeteria.

"How are you holding up?" My best friend, Laurance, asks as I enter the lunchroom.

"Better, I guess." I simply reply. It was partially true, it had been a while since the incident, and it seemed to have calmed down, our break up was no longer the 'gossip' going around.

"Look, Azura is an idiot for cheating on you," He said smiling, patting my shoulder, "Not all girls are like that."

"Well, it's just my luck that the one girl I date is like that."


Lunch is loud, very loud. Girls giggling over who knows what, guys talking, some people socializing, some not, usual teenage things, if you ask me.

"You're so sad and gloomy." My friend Dante says, running a hand through his luscious blue hair.

I breath out a laugh, "I know."

"We need to get you out of this funk." Laurnace said, enthusiastically.

"How are we going to do that?" Travis asks. They all shrugged and went back to eating.

I love my bros. (Of course, as friends.)

But I think I just need to be alone for this one.


A/n: I'm keeping chapters short for now.

Love you all!


[[Book Edited By: AKA]]

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