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"Hello?" Aphmau said, waving her hand in front of my face. I blink a couple of times, realizing that I was probably staring, my bad.

I shook my head, "Sorry, hi," I said, giving a smile. I looked up at her, she had nice, long, silky raven black hair and sparkling copper eyes. I've seen her around school, she's in some of my classes, but I've never really gotten to know her.

"So, what are we going to do?" She asked, scooting closer to me.

I shrugged, awkwardly looking at her.

"We all know that we're not really going to start until a couple days after," Aphmau stated, "So why don't we just get to know each other?" She suggested.

I nodded in response. That was true. Our teacher gave us such a long period of time, nobody is going to get started until a couple days time, especially when she gives us a work period in class.

"I mean, this is awkward."

She nods. "I guess."

"Garroth Ro'meave right?" She asked.

I nodded. "Aphmau..... Phoenix?" I tilted my head, hoping that it was right.

"Yeah," She smiled.

"Nice jacket." She commented, pretending to work so the teacher doesn't scold us, something classic. We've all done it.

I too, grab a piece of paper and jot down different subjects. I glance at my jacket, just a simple windbreaker, it was a nice blue. Before I stall for too long, I decide to finally say something. "Thank you," I say, finally.

"Nice earrings." I comment back.

"I'm not wearing any." She responds giggling.

Great job, idiot.

I mentally face palm. "Sorry. I like your eyes," I finally say, making a real comment, trying to put some effort into making actual friends with this girl.

"Thanks?" She says like a question.

I nod in response.

"You okay?" She asks.

Instead of saying, 'No, I'm not okay. I just got out of a serious relationship with my ex girlfriend.'

I just nodded.

"You sure?" She asks, tilting her head, trying to get a look at my face.

I look up and smile. "Yeah. I'm fine."

The bell rang, signaling that school was over since this was my last class, I headed off into the direction of the parking lot.

The halls got less crowded as I saw Azura and Zenix making out against the lockers, great. What a way to try and get over her.

I don't understand how I'm supposed to do that when I see her constantly around school, and when I do see her, she's with Zenix. And as much as I want to hate the both of them, I can't. Because they were both my friends and one of them was my lover at one point. How am I supposed to get over that?

I rolled my eyes at them and cursed under my breath. I head out the doors to the parking lot, striding towards my car. Zane had his own ride home, he was staying late for some type of school event.

I jammed my hand in my pocket for my keys as I finally found them, unlocking my car.

I drove home carefully, a mix of songs, and 'Oh Wonder' playing somewhere in the shuffled playlist, while I tried to shake my feelings off once more.

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now