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"SHE KISSED YOU?!" Laurance shouted.

"Laurance, shut up!" I whisper shout, pulling him back down to the table.

"So what, are you guys dating?" Dante asks, spooning soup into his mouth.

I shrug. "How am I suppose to know?"

"Uh, I don't know... Maybe you ask?"

"Travis, literally no one asked you." Laurance said, shunning him.

"You all are immature." I roll my eyes grabbing my plate, "I'm going to go sit with Aphmau. She's mature."

I walk over to her and she seems happy to see me.

"H-Hey Garroth!" She stammers.

"Hi," I say, taking a seat next to her.

I greet her friends, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Nicole and the others.

"Aphmau, can I talk to you outside?" I asked. Her friends gave her looks before she agreed to.

"So... like what are-"

"I honestly don't know," She responded shyly.

"You free tonight?"

She nods, "Of course, it's Friday."

I stand more straight up, courage was running through my veins.

"I'll pick you up around five." I say, smirking.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"Yes, now remember, five tonight," I said, flashing a smile and walking off.


"Garroth! That's awesome man!" Laurance shouted through the phone.

I chuckled, "Yeah. I guess she helped me get out of my 'funk'." I quote with my fingers even though he can't see me.

"That's good," He paused, "Don't mess up this date."

"I'll try not to. But honestly, what's there to mess up?"

"A lot of things," He answered, "Just be yourself and all that lovey-dovey stuff."

"I know," I smile, fixing my hair.

"Where are you taking her?" He asked.

"It's a secret."

"Is it something lame like the movies?" He asked with sass in his tone.

"Irene, no. That would be a disaster. What if we don't like the same movies?"

"That's pretty good thinking. I just didn't want you to take her there because everyone's first date is always at the movies." Laurance says bluntly.

I roll my eyes. "Well I mean, I am pretty smart."

"Woah. Slow down, I can sense your ego through the phone."

"It's almost five. I have to pick up Aphmau. I'll call you after."

"Alright!" Laurance shouted, "Good luck!"

The call ended as I drove to pick Aphmau up. She looked good in what she was wearing. It was nice and casual, like how I told her it was going to be.

"Hey!" She said, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey." I respond, opening the car door, making sure she was properly in there before gingerly shutting the door.

"Where are we going?" She asked, excited.

"Well it's not to a fancy dinner or the movies if you're wondering," I said, possibly killing the vibe.

"Oh. Yeah, I figured. But I find that good because fancy dinners on first dates aren't my thing. And I would hate to argue over picking movies," She smiled, fixing her gaze out of the window.

"Yeah." I pause. "Is it okay if we stop by the store?"

She nods. "Yeah. Of course."

I drove on the road, which was smooth as we reached one of the nearest grocery stores.

I stopped the car, pulling the key out of the ignition.

She followed me into the store. She was quiet which was unusual, but normal at the same time.

I strolled my way to the snack section, "What kind of snacks or desserts do you like?"

"Um, for desserts, I like cupcakes or cookies or something like that. And for snacks, I'm not that picky but my all time favorites are cheese-its, goldfish and Oreos.

I nod. "I like Nila Wafers."

"I remember those! They're really good."

I nodded, grabbing various things off the shelves and throwing them into my basket.

We went to the checkout, Aphmau grabbed out her wallet.

"No, this is a date. I pay for you." I say, pushing her wallet away.

She sighed, before putting it back in her purse.


"Garroth, who's truck is this?" She asked.

"It's my dad's old one, he doesn't use it so he said I could."

"We're getting close to the beach. Is that where we're going?"

"You'll see."

I pulled into a parking lot, making sure the the truck bed was facing the water and the sand.

"We're here." I say, grabbing the groceries.

"We are?"

I nodded. "Look in the truck bed."

Aphmau did as I said and laughed, "I really like this."

The truck bed was filled with blankets and pillows, making it more comfortable to sit on.

It was facing the sun and it was perfect to see the sunset.

"I mean, do you like the sound of eating snacks and watching the sunset?" I asked.

She nodded. "This isn't what I expected for a first date. I mean that in a good way, by the way."

We both hopped into the bed, making ourselves comfortable.

Aphmau opened the box of cheese-itz and started to eat them, while talking to me about random things.

I scooted closer to her, pulling my arm over her shoulder.

The sun had almost been done setting and Aphmau took a couple of pictures.

It was one of the most amazing days that I've ever had.


"This was fun," Aphmau stated, getting out of the car.

"I agree."

"Thanks for a fun time."

Before I could say anything, I pulled her into a kiss, making her gasp in surprise.

She suddenly melted into it, us shortly separating after.

"I'll see you soon, Ro'meave." She smiled, walking into her house.

First date, a success.

A/n: yes I'm alive! I'm sorry I haven't been active! School is driving me insane!!!


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