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I sipped my drink, pretending not to hate it. The alcohol was going through my system, making me feel warm.

"So, Aaron huh?"

"Yeah." His voice was deep, he was muscular and tall. He had to be at least three years older than me.

"You don't look like you're from here."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What's that suppose to mean?" I say, taking another sip.

"I feel you're not the city type."

"There's not much you're going to find out about me, Aaron Liken."

"So we're using full names now?"

I shrug, taking another sip. "It doesn't seem like you're from here either."

"I'm not. I'm from Falcon Claw. But, it's close to here though."

I smirk. "What brings you here, Mr. Liken?"

"Just a pit stop to where I'm actually going. What about you? Ms.-"

"Aphmau. Aphmau Phoenix."

"Pretty name."

"Where are you headed off to?"

"Why should I tell you?"

I shrug and finish the drink he gave me. "My Irene, what was in there?"


I stare at him and he chuckles. "It was whiskey, chill."

I step out of my chair. "I think I'll be going now."

"You're not driving right?"

"Why would you care?"

"Because a pretty girl like you can't afford to get into an accident," He started walking me out of the bar, "Especially since you're underage."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I know your ID is fake."


"When I was in high school, this is all I did. I had a fake ID and everything."

"Are you a cop?"

"Irene no!" He shouted as if that was offensive, "I just thought you were cute until I realized you're underage."

"You're talking to me like I'm a kid. How old even are you?"


That definitely shut me up. "Wow. You're like four years older than me."

"Do you even have a place to stay?"

I shook my head. "I never really thought of that. Oh my Irene, I'm so stupid."

He sighed.

"I just wanted to run away for just a little while and come back. Is that wrong?"

"No. But, it's not right for you to be driving. I get how you feel. You can just stay at my place."

I shake my head. "How can I trust you? What if you're a cereal killer on the loose, or a wanted fugitive or something? And don't you have somewhere to be?"

"That can wait. For now, I'll help you get your couple days of 'living'," He paused, "Do you like kids?"

"I love kids, why?"

"Just asking. Now show me your car. I'll drive."

I shake my head. "I still don't trust you."

"Just have a little faith. Just a little bit."

I huffed. "Fine."

I know I shouldn't be trusting him. But, he didn't really give me a reason not to.

He opened the door for me, then got into his side of the car.

"My place is close. I walked here. But I wouldn't want to leave your car all the way there."

He started to drive the other direction. Not even thirty seconds passed and he pulled into the parking lot.

It was an apartment building, which meant a lot of neighbors. He would have to be kind of quiet.

He told me to follow him and that he only lived on the third floor. There were about fifteen levels, which was a pretty low level.

He put the keys into the doorknob, getting the door open. There was a girl, maybe around my age who was sitting in a chair, watching tv.

"Thanks, Leona," He handed her seventy dollars in cash, "Tell your mom I said hi."

"Thanks, Aaron!" She squealed, running out of the building.

"Daddy!" A little boy runs out from the hall.

He sighed. "Jacob, it's late, how come you didn't go to sleep when Leona tucked you in?"

"I can't sleep. You didn't check my room," The little boy stated, he was around six or seven at the most.

I tried to keep myself from exploding.

Jacob was adorable.

"Jacob, this is my friend. Aphmau."


I smile. "Close enough," I grab his tiny hand and shake it, "Nice to meet you, Jacob."

"Daddy, is she going to be my new mommy?"

My eyes go wide and I look away. But then I realized something.

He didn't have a mom.

"Uh, no son, she's just a friend."

"Oh. Well, that's okay. Mommy will come soon," He paused and yawned, "Can I sleep on your bed tonight, daddy?"

He nodded. "Of course bud, go on, off to bed."

He ran into the room and didn't close the door. I look at Aaron shocked.

"You have a kid?!" I whisper shout.

He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. That's why Leona was there. She lives a couple doors down."

"I only have two rooms. You can sleep on Jacob's bed since he's sleeping with me tonight."

"Are you sure? I can take the couch-"

"It's fine."

"Thank you."

Aaron started to walk off. "Hey Aaron?"


"Where's Jacob's mom? Sorry, I know it's not my business."

He shook his head. "It's fine. She, she left after she gave birth to him."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Good night."

"Good night."



"She's what?!"

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now