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I'm good at math.

But I suck at art.

Math is fairly easy. You learn the concept, you get given problems and you solve the problems using the concept you just learned.

There's usually only one correct answer to a problem in math.

Unlike art, everything is like a correct answer. So I just don't know which answer I need to pick.

I don't know if that made sense.

After my calculus class, I had chemistry.

"Class, you're going to have a project!" Our teacher exclaimed.

Most of us groan quietly, some eyes were rolled, some heads were thrown back. I rose my eyebrows, sighing, running a hand through my blonde hair.

"And it's worth a third of your grade, which is kind of a lot. I don't know, I didn't major in math." Mrs. O'Donnel says.

She paused before continuing.

"And I will be picking your partners."

"Katelyn will be with Travis." She instructed in a monotone.

Katelyn groaned. "Heyyyy Katelynnnnn~" she groaned again and thumped her head on the desk as Travis walked over.

I smiled at Travis' stupidity.

"Laurance will be with Lucinda."

"Yess!" I heard him whisper shout, accenting the 's' as Lucinda started to walk over to his desk.

"Kikki will be with Zane."

Zane, my younger brother, groaned as Kikki nervously walked over to his desk. He was younger than me by a year, but he's intelligent, so he got placed in higher classes with me.

"Sasha will be with Kenmur."

Sasha rolled her eyes as Kenmur shuffled over toward her lab table quietly, keeping a comfortable distance between them.

I was mistaken, they're lab tables, not desks.

"Ivy will be with Lily."

They squealed which was very ear wrecking. Most teachers know to always separate them when they're in the same class together. Those two are very close, and always have been, considering that they are cousins.

"Brendan will be with Kawaii~Chan."

The only names she didn't call were mine, and I looked around and saw a familiar black head of hair, I've probably seen this girl around school. She was still sitting alone, so I assumed that she also wasn't assigned a partner.

And finally, "Garroth will be with Aphmau."

I rested my head in my palm as Aphmau walked casually over to my table.

I looked up and felt a complete panic go in my body, like I've never seen a girl before.

And my, she was beautiful.

A/n: short chapters :) but not a short story.


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