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"You got partnered with Aphmau Phoenix?!" Travis exclaimed.

I nodded, not seeing much importance of why she was my partner, "Yes. Why?"

"She's soooo hot," Laurance smirks. I scowl and slap his arm, how immature, even though he wasn't wrong.

He hisses, rubbing his arm. "Calm down, casanova," I chuckle.

"Well, she's smart and pretty so that's a good combination." Dante adds, nodding.

"I don't know."

"I mean, she's dated a bunch of guys. Well at least that's what I heard." Laurnace gossips. Irene, she sounds like one of those girls Azura used to hang out with.

"Why does that matter?" I ask.

Laurnace shrugs, "It doesn't."

"Well. We're just lab partners and that's how it's going to be. Just all work. Nothing personal." I hope. I put a piece of lunch meat into my mouth, chewing and swallowing, listening in onto the rest of this ridiculous conversation.

"I got partnered with Nicole," Dante rolled his eyes, "I swear, Mrs. O'Donnel is one of the weirdest teachers ever."

"At least she understands. I mean, she's really lenient with her students," I state, shrugging.

Travis nodded, "I can agree to that. But, I have to thank her for giving me Katelyn as my partner."

"She and Jeffory are dating. I wouldn't mess with that," Laurance warns. It was true, I know Katelyn, and I'm closer with her than I thought I would be.

"We sound like a girl gossip group, oh my Irene," I shake my head, chuckling. The rest of our conversation went on with who was dating who, and which girls they thought were 'cute'.

And in a way, my heart tugged because maybe I would be the one they would talk about when it came to relationships. But I'm not in one anymore.

I finished my lunch quietly, taking care of my plate before the bell rang.


We had chemistry next. I grabbed my things before walking into the classroom.

It was filled with little students. We were instructed to sit by our partners until the project was done.

Aphmau and I agreed that we would just throw something together since Mrs. O'Donnel's expectations are really low.

I saw the rest of the students flood into the classroom, chatter and whispers all around.

The bell rang and we all settled down, waiting for Mrs. O'Donnel to walk in.

I hear heels clicking against the tiles as Mrs. O'Donnel smiled. "You may start working on your projects."

The class started to fill with talking students. Most of the conversations were irrelevant to the project.

"Hey," Aphmau said.

I smiled, "Hey."

She started to explain what we're going to do for the project.

"That sounds good," I replied.

"It's only going to take us one class period, so I guess we just pretend to work until we feel like starting?" She asked.

I nodded.

She took out a notebook and started to write down a bunch of things and doodle.

I smiled. She was a natural artist.

"You're good at that." I said, scooting closer, pointing at her drawing.

"Thanks!" She squeaked out.

"I can't art," I chuckled.

"It's okay. I can't math," She confessed.

An idea popped in my head.

She can help me with art....
And I can help her with math....

I smirked. "It turns out that I am actually really good at math."

She smirked back. "And I am good at art."

"We should tutor each other," I suggested.

She nodded. "Every Tuesday, and maybe in the weekends?"

I nod my head. "That sounds great."

She turned the page and wrote something, ripping it out and handing over to me.

"That's my number," She pointed.

"Thanks," I said, the bell ringing.

The Heartbreaker And The Heartless ⏤ GARMAUWhere stories live. Discover now